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[ kraws-kuht, kros- ] / ˈkrɔsˌkʌt, ˈkrɒs- / SEE SYNONYMS FOR crosscut ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivemade or used for cutting crosswise. cut across the grain or on the bias. nouna transverse cut or course. a shortcut by way of an area not ordinarily traversed, as grass or open country; a route that cuts diagonally across a road or path network. Mining. an underground passageway, usually from a shaft to a vein of ore or crosswise of a vein of ore. Movies, Television. an act or instance of crosscutting. a crosscut saw. verb (used with object), cross·cut, cross·cut·ting.to cut or go across. Movies, Television. to insert into a scene or sequence (portions of another scene), as to heighten suspense or suggest simultaneous action. verb (used without object), cross·cut, cross·cut·ting.Movies, Television. to employ the technique of crosscutting. Origin of crosscutFirst recorded in 1580–90; cross- + cut OTHER WORDS FROM crosscutcrosscutter, nounWords nearby crosscutcross-cousin, cross-cousin marriage, cross-cultural, crosscurrent, cross-curricular, crosscut, crosscut file, crosscut saw, crosscutting, cross-dating, cross-disciplinary Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for crosscutFrom east and west the "drifts" run into this crosscut, like little creeks into a larger stream. Thad dropped his eyes sullenly and made a feint of examining the crosscut saw. The Wizard's Daughter and Other Stories|Margaret Collier Graham By the way, working a crosscut saw isn't nearly so bad a job on the second day. In Pastures Green|Peter McArthur The bow oarsman pushed off the boat, and she was headed up the Crosscut. Watch and Wait|Oliver Optic
British Dictionary definitions for crosscut
adjectivecut at right angles or obliquely to the major axis nouna transverse cut or course a less common word for short cut mining a tunnel through a vein of ore or from the shaft to a vein verb -cuts, -cutting or -cutto cut across Also: intercut films to link (two sequences or two shots) so that they appear to be taking place at the same time Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to crosscutcrisscross, traverse, cross, intersect |