[ ri-spon -suh -buh l ] SHOW IPA
/ rɪˈspɒn sə bəl / PHONETIC RESPELLING
adjective answerable or accountable, as for something within one's power, control, or management (often followed by to or for ): He is responsible to the president for his decisions.
involving accountability or responsibility, as in having the power to control or manage: promoted to a responsible position in the firm.
chargeable with being the author, cause, or occasion of something (usually followed by for ): Termites were responsible for the damage.
having a capacity for moral decisions and therefore accountable; capable of rational thought or action: The defendant is not responsible for his actions.
able to discharge obligations or pay debts.
reliable or dependable, as in meeting debts, conducting business dealings, etc.
(of a government, member of a government, government agency, or the like) answerable to or serving at the discretion of an elected legislature or the electorate.
SEE MORE SEE LESS Origin of responsible 1590–1600; <Latin respōns (us ) (see response) + -ible
SYNONYMS FOR responsible 1 liable.
4 competent.
5 solvent.
6 honest, capable, reliable, trustworthy.
OTHER WORDS FROM responsible re·spon·si·ble·ness, noun re·spon·si·bly, adverb in·ter·re·spon·si·ble, adjective non·re·spon·si·ble, adjective
non·re·spon·si·ble·ness, noun non·re·spon·si·bly, adverb pre·re·spon·si·ble, adjective qua·si-re·spon·si·ble, adjective qua·si-re·spon·si·bly, adverb su·per·re·spon·si·ble, adjective su·per·re·spon·si·ble·ness, noun su·per·re·spon·si·bly, adverb un·re·spon·si·ble, adjective un·re·spon·si·ble·ness, noun un·re·spon·si·bly, adverb
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for responsible We can act, carefully and responsibly, to prevent a potential act of genocide.
Yazidis Face Genocide by ISIS After U.S. Turns Away | Josh Rogin| November 4, 2014| DAILY BEAST
How one court case could free them to ‘recreate’ responsibly.
Could You Lose Your Job for Smoking Legal Pot? | Andrew Cohen| January 7, 2014| DAILY BEAST
You don't want to depend on a teenager or young adult to responsibly go and get the vaccine before they become sexually active.
Why You Should Vaccinate Your Sons for HPV | Megan McArdle| June 3, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Naturally, Central States sensibly and responsibly put that money into the market, where it promptly lost half its value.
How the IRS Wrecked Your Pension | Megan McArdle| May 9, 2013| DAILY BEAST
How to ensure U.S. national security is not undermined as we “responsibly” draw down?
America Prepares to Fold in Afghanistan But Must Stay | John Kael Weston| January 16, 2013| DAILY BEAST
What a good son this was—safe, level-headed, coolly and responsibly generous!
The Honour of the Clintons | Archibald Marshall
Subsequently, when misconduct was discovered, he charged it; and openly and responsibly.
Thirty Years' View (Vol. I of 2) | Thomas Hart Benton
I am free and freely and responsibly making the future—so far as I am concerned.
The World of H.G. Wells | Van Wyck Brooks
The President could only communicate his opinions to the Senate responsibly, by message.
Thirty Years' View (Vol. II of 2) | Thomas Hart Benton
Since 1811 until this time, he has been responsibly connected with the federal government.
Thirty Years' View (Vol. II of 2) | Thomas Hart Benton
British Dictionary definitions for responsible adjective (postpositive usually foll by for ) having control or authority (over)
(postpositive foll by to ) being accountable for one's actions and decisions (to) to be responsible to one's commanding officer
(of a position, duty, etc) involving decision and accountability
(often foll by for) being the agent or cause (of some action) to be responsible for a mistake
able to take rational decisions without supervision; accountable for one's own actions a responsible adult
able to meet financial obligations; of sound credit
Derived forms of responsible responsibleness , noun responsibly , adverb Word Origin for responsible C16: from Latin rēsponsus , from rēspondēre to respond
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to responsible pledged, guilty, answerable, important, liable, culpable, subject, sensible, effective, capable, efficient, reliable, able, loyal, rational, conscientious, competent, at fault, authoritative, bonded