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[ krim-uh-nal-i-tee ] / ˌkrɪm əˈnæl ɪ ti / SEE SYNONYMS FOR criminality ON THESAURUS.COM
noun, plural crim·i·nal·i·ties for 2. the state of being criminal. a criminal act or practice. Origin of criminalityFrom the Medieval Latin word crīminālitās, dating back to 1605–15. See criminal, -ity OTHER WORDS FROM criminalitynon·crim·i·nal·i·ty, nounWords nearby criminalitycriminal conversation, criminal court, Criminal Investigation Department, criminalist, criminalistics, criminality, criminalize, criminal justice, criminal law, criminal lawyer, criminal psychology Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for criminalityYes, a president needs courage to stand up to corruption and criminality in his own country. Stone: Romancing Chávez|James Poulos|February 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST We want the morality of a situation to match the criminality. Christopher Darden Believes There May Be Justice Yet for Trayvon|Christopher A. Darden, Michele Noble|July 15, 2013|DAILY BEAST What the military has to confront is criminality, not a hookup culture. Air Force General Blames Increase in Military Rape on Hookup Culture|Eleanor Clift|May 8, 2013|DAILY BEAST George Zimmerman pulled the trigger, but a larger ethos of devaluing life and the stereotypes of criminality loaded the gun. ‘Mad Men’ Highlights Invisible Black People and Stain of Racism|Otis Moss III|March 27, 2012|DAILY BEAST
And so it has proven over the past generation of the swiftest record reduction of criminality in American history. James Q. Wilson, 1931-2012|David Frum|March 3, 2012|DAILY BEAST Among them not neglect of duty only but criminality appears to have been rife. Irish History and the Irish Question|Goldwin Smith The essential factor, however, must be that inexorable display of our criminality as a people. Of course, I do not try to estimate the 'balance of criminality.' The Great Illusion|Norman Angell Let the son of Atreus think better of it: I acquit Helen of criminality; she made use of the opportunity given by an easy husband. Ars Amatoria, or The Art Of Love|Ovid But for the great mass of criminality deported to a distant shore no very active concern was shown. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 8, Slice 2|Various
British Dictionary definitions for criminality
noun plural -tiesthe state or quality of being criminal (often plural) rare a criminal act or practice Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to criminalitymisbehavior, violation, infringement, transgression, peccadillo, offense, misconduct, sin, malfeasance, immorality, infraction, dereliction, misdeed, wrongdoing, lawlessness, atrocity, illegality, depravity, delinquency, case |