[ ri-puhg -nuh nt ] SHOW IPA
adjective distasteful, objectionable, or offensive: a repugnant smell.
making opposition; averse.
opposed or contrary, as in nature or character.
Origin of repugnant 1350–1400; Middle English repugnaunt <Middle French <Latin repugnant- (stem of repugnāns, present participle of repugnāre ), equivalent to repugn (āre ) to repugn + -ant- -ant
SYNONYMS FOR repugnant 3 antagonistic, adverse, hostile.
OTHER WORDS FROM repugnant re·pug·nant·ly, adverb un·re·pug·nant, adjective un·re·pug·nant·ly, adverb Words nearby repugnant republish, repudiate, repudiation, repugn, repugnance, repugnant , repulse, repulsion, repulsive, repurchase, repurchase agreement
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for repugnant It is disappointing and, frankly, frightening that Thompson walked away from his repugnant Sea World excursion scot-free.
Texas Court Says Upskirt Photos Are Art | Emily Shire| September 20, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Governor Andrew Cuomo is even attacking it—this is sweet—as a plan that would create “repugnant inequality” across the state.
New York City’s Mayor: Consultant or Politician? | Stuart Stevens| March 11, 2014| DAILY BEAST
If the actual facts are so repugnant to you, then why embellish them?
The Woody Allen Allegations: Not So Fast | Robert B. Weide| January 27, 2014| DAILY BEAST
This struck many observers (yours truly included) as not only absurd but repugnant .
The Supremes Get It Right, Naturally. | Sam Kean| June 14, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Moreover, taking the life of a sentient being is repugnant , a sin that prevents many devout Buddhists from slaughtering animals.
Violence on Everest | Peter Zuckerman, Amanda Padoan| May 2, 2013| DAILY BEAST
I stood at my chamber-window, torn by a variety of purposes, and swayed alternately by repugnant arguments.
Arthur Mervyn | Charles Brockden Brown
The thought of a traitor at the experimental station was repugnant to the Swifts and to Bud as well.
Tom Swift and The Visitor from Planet X | Victor Appleton
After some search the hut where they have taken refuge is found, and then takes place a horrible and repugnant scene.
The Putumayo, The Devil's Paradise | Walter Hardenburg
Inspiration is only necessary to give authority to that which is repugnant to human reason.
The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Vol. 6 (of 12) | Robert G. Ingersoll
Before leaving this repugnant milieu, one may still consider the leech.
The Natural Philosophy of Love | Remy de Gourmont
British Dictionary definitions for repugnant adjective repellent to the senses; causing aversion
distasteful; offensive; disgusting
contradictory; inconsistent or incompatible
Derived forms of repugnant repugnance or rare repugnancy , noun repugnantly , adverb Word Origin for repugnant C14: from Latin repugnāns resisting; see repugn
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to repugnant distasteful, vile, incompatible, objectionable, disgusting, odious, abhorrent, contradictory, abominable, revolting, adverse, against, alien, antagonistic, antipathetic, averse, conflicting, counter, creepy, different