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verb (used with object), craved, crav·ing. to long for; want greatly; desire eagerly: to crave sweets; to crave affection.
to require; need: a problem craving prompt attention.
to ask earnestly for (something); beg for.
to ask (a person) earnestly for something or to do something.
verb (used without object), craved, crav·ing. to beg or plead (usually followed by for ).
Origin of crave before 1000; Middle English craven, Old English crafian; akin to Old Norse krefja to demand, lay claim to
OTHER WORDS FROM crave craver, noun Words nearby crave craton, cratur, craunch, cravat, cravat bandage, crave , craveable, craven, craving, craw, crawdad
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for crave Clue’s cycle analysis starts to get at the macro-level insights I crave and provides the data points to start piecing together the puzzle.
Everything You Need to Know About Period Tracking | Christine Yu| September 6, 2020| Outside Online
These areas have already been linked in other experiments to the sensation of “wanting” or “craving” something.
Why do you feel lonely? Neuroscience is starting to find answers. | Amy Nordrum| September 4, 2020| MIT Technology Review
We’ve been craving the experience of standing outside, enjoying the sweet scent of charcoal smoke mixed with pine trees, holding a beer in one hand and tongs in the other, and that slightly charred flavor you can only get from cooking over fire.
5 Portable Grills for All Your Outdoor Cooking Needs | Amy Marturana Winderl| September 2, 2020| Outside Online
Maybe it’s a sign of my advancing age, or maybe I just crave a bit of structure in a hectic world full of uncertainty.
The Matador SEG42 Offers Unrivaled Gear Organization | Graham Averill| August 25, 2020| Outside Online
Politicians and parties still crave these narratives, though, especially when they lose.
How Clinton’s Loss Paved The Way For Biden | Seth Masket| August 20, 2020| FiveThirtyEight
The mad tend to crave it, many of the sane crave it, but the wise worry about its long-term side effects.
David Mitchell’s ‘The Bone Clocks’ Is Fun But Mostly Empty Calories | William O’Connor| September 14, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The irony in it all is that our bodies need, if not crave , Vitamin D—and more than a chewable tablet.
Is the Facekini the Future of Beachwear? | Justin Jones| August 23, 2014| DAILY BEAST
But no matter that difference, we crave to own and co-opt, rather than necessarily understand, it.
Memory Porn: America’s Obscene Anniversary Obsession | Tim Teeman| June 17, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The most popular dish is the totto spicy ramen, a standout for those who crave heat.
Underground Ramen’s Mainstream Moment | Sara Sayed| May 12, 2014| DAILY BEAST
I grew up in Matthews, North Carolina, and saw it as a very normal upbringing, so I crave normalcy and a slower pace.
Brooklyn Decker on Her ‘Horrible’ Modeling Experiences, Marriage, and Cracking Hollywood | Marlow Stern| April 11, 2014| DAILY BEAST
He does not crave many things, but he crave s the enjoyment of the things that he has.
Selected Works of Voltairine de Cleyre | Voltairine de Cleyre
But I crave your pardon—it is so long since we have met, that I forgot you love no play-books.
Peveril of the Peak | Sir Walter Scott
We, poor prodigals, have been feeding long enough upon husks that the swine do eat, and crave a little nourishing food.
Atlantic Monthly, Vol. XII. July, 1863, No. LXIX. | Various
"I crave thy pardon, Mistress Fawkes," he continued with a bow, mastering his surprise.
The Fifth of November | Charles S. Bentley
May we crave leave to direct the attention of the reader for a very few minutes to the grounds on which we decide?
Leading Articles on Various Subjects | Hugh Miller
British Dictionary definitions for crave verb (when intr, foll by for or after ) to desire intensely; long (for)
(tr) to need greatly or urgently
(tr) to beg or plead for
Derived forms of crave craver , noun Word Origin for crave Old English crafian; related to Old Norse krefja to demand, krǣfr strong; see craft
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to crave covet, fancy, lust after, cry out for, seek, need, require, dream, want, suspire, beseech, necessitate, entreat, implore, take, solicit, demand, ask, supplicate, petition