American parents are not going to accept indoctrination in our schools, cancel culture at work, or the repression of traditional faith, culture and values in the public square.
Election live updates: Trump returns to Wisconsin; Biden to face live audience at town hall|Colby Itkowitz, Felicia Sonmez, John Wagner|September 17, 2020|Washington Post
Autocratic regimes are far more likely to use these instruments for repression, but democracies sometimes use them to curb civil rights too.
Covid-19 and the geopolitics of American decline|Katie McLean|August 19, 2020|MIT Technology Review
He has relied on a mixture of repression and elite loyalty, but also, to an extent, popular support.
Belarus Election: Contested Result Sparks Massive Unrest As Europe’s ‘Last Dictator’ Claims Victory|LGBTQ-Editor|August 12, 2020|No Straight News
Now, the fear is palpable—citizens are comparing the air of repression to the cultural revolution, and professors are being fired from universities for advocating democracy.
Let Hong Kong refugees into the US|Tim Fernholz|July 30, 2020|Quartz
One road leads to freedom, sharing, and equality; the other to endless spying, a hierarchical structure, and repression.
How Four Upstarts Built and Crashed the Anti-Facebook|Jake Whitney|November 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Underneath, however, lies the permanently molten lava of Scottish memory and its sense of English repression.
Queen Victoria’s Secret Scottish Sex Castle|Clive Irving|August 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This is the latest example, he said, of the way the judiciary has been used to expand the repression of public criticism.
Egyptian Court Hands Down Stiff Sentences for Al-Jazeera Journalists|Jesse Rosenfeld|June 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“If you want to talk about Molotov cocktails, I can talk about repression,” Klitschko responded.
Ukraine Government and Opposition Clash, in Munich|Josh Rogin|February 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Tsundue is the creation of exile, of repression, of a hopelessness that no foreign power any longer has the courage to recognise.
Tibet’s Ticking Time Bomb|Kapil Komireddi|January 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
What we ought to do is to find points of contact, even at the cost of some repression of our own views and aims.
Joyous Gard|Arthur Christopher Benson
In order to solve this conflict we must remember that there are two widely different kinds of repression.
The Positive School of Criminology|Enrico Ferri
They required stronger powers of repression, more frequent holocausts, a more efficient inquisitorial police.
History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth. Vol. III|James Anthony Froude
Repression is a process which begins in early childhood under the moral influence of environment; it continues throughout life.
Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology|C. G. Jung
Rank here takes the place of virtue, and repression, its tool, takes the place of order.
From the Oak to the Olive|Julia Ward Howe
British Dictionary definitions for repression
the act or process of repressing or the condition of being repressed
psychoanalthe subconscious rejection of thoughts and impulses that conflict with conventional standards of conductSee suppression (def. 2)