A once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, an economic shutdown and reopening, a national reckoning with racial inequality, and an election so acrimonious it feels the very principles of democracy itself are under threat.
In a time of crisis, Americans send a clear message to Corporate America: Focus on workers|matthewheimer|October 2, 2020|Fortune
And as our political life grows more divided and acrimonious, so will our legal system.
A Reminder: Our Justices are Politicians in Robes|Jedediah Purdy|November 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Craig Dershowitz spent $60,000 fighting for the return of his dog Knuckles after an acrimonious breakup with his girlfriend.
Divorce Is Going to the Dogs, Literally|Keli Goff|June 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The second is a much smaller matter regarding an acrimonious election involving a few hundred voters.
Setting the Record Straight on a Meretz Scandal|Ralph Seliger|July 17, 2013|DAILY BEAST
That ability to straddle two sides of an acrimonious divide has served Leavell well—not only in politics, but also in music.
Stones’ Keyboard Man Is Ardent Forester|David A. Graham|June 16, 2011|DAILY BEAST
"How acrimonious that gets is really up to them," Issa's spokesman says of the Democrats.
The GOP's New Top Cop|Howard Kurtz|November 27, 2010|DAILY BEAST
He did not wish to imperil Alan's superb aloofness by involving him in the acrimonious and undignified defence of a friend.
Sinister Street, vol. 1|Compton Mackenzie
The very title has afforded ground for censure, for licentious imitation 18, and for acrimonious abuse.
The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., in Nine Volumes, Volume the Second|Samuel Johnson
In these often acrimonious controversies, Sherman himself took a leading part.
Life of Wm. Tecumseh Sherman.|W. Fletcher Johnson
They are charged with imparting a biting and acrimonious taste to radishes and turnips.
The American Reformed Cattle Doctor|George Dadd
The answers which he received from Versailles were cold and acrimonious.
The History of England from the Accession of James II.|Thomas Babington Macaulay
British Dictionary definitions for acrimonious
/ (ˌækrɪˈməʊnɪəs) /
characterized by bitterness or sharpness of manner, speech, temper, etc