单词 | rent |
释义 | rent1[ rent ] / rɛnt / SEE SYNONYMS FOR rent ON THESAURUS.COM nounverb (used with object)to grant the possession and enjoyment of (property, machinery, etc.) in return for the payment of rent from the tenant or lessee. (often followed by out). to take and hold (property, machinery, etc.) in return for the payment of rent to the landlord or owner. verb (used without object)Idioms for rentfor rent, available to be rented, as a home or store: an apartment for rent. Origin of rent1First recorded in 1125–75; (noun) Middle English rente from Old French from unattested Vulgar Latin rendita, feminine past participle of unattested rendere (see render1); (verb) Middle English renten from Old French renter, derivative of rente SYNONYMS FOR rent7 lease, let. SEE SYNONYMS FOR rent ON THESAURUS.COM synonym study for rent7. See hire. OTHER WORDS FROM rentrent·a·bil·i·ty, nounrent·a·ble, adjectiveun·rent·a·ble, adjectiveDefinition for rent (2 of 2)rent2 [ rent ] / rɛnt / nounan opening made by rending or tearing; slit; fissure. a breach of relations or union between individuals or groups; schism. verbsimple past tense and past participle of rend. Origin of rent21325–75 for v. sense; 1525–35 for def. 1; Middle English; see rend SYNONYMS FOR rent1 tear, split, rift, cleft, rip, rupture, fracture. 2 division, separation. SEE SYNONYMS FOR rent ON THESAURUS.COM Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 British Dictionary definitions for rent (1 of 2)rent1 / (rɛnt) / nouna payment made periodically by a tenant to a landlord or owner for the occupation or use of land, buildings, or by a user for the use of other property, such as a telephone economics
for rent mainly US and Canadian available for use and occupation subject to the payment of rent verb(tr) to grant (a person) the right to use one's property in return for periodic payments (tr) to occupy or use (property) in return for periodic payments (intr often foll by at) to be let or rented (for a specified rental) Derived forms of rentrentability, nounrentable, adjectiveWord Origin for rentC12: from Old French rente revenue, from Vulgar Latin rendere (unattested) to yield; see render British Dictionary definitions for rent (2 of 2)rent2 / (rɛnt) / nouna slit or opening made by tearing or rending; tear a breach or division, as in relations verbthe past tense and past participle of rend Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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