1. Courage,bravery,valor,bravado refer to qualities of spirit and conduct. Courage permits one to face extreme dangers and difficulties without fear: to take (or lose) courage.Bravery implies true courage with daring and an intrepid boldness: bravery in a battle.Valor implies heroic courage: valor in fighting for the right.Bravado is now usually a boastful and ostentatious pretense of courage or bravery: empty bravado.
Words nearby courage
coupon clipper, couponer, couponing, coupon rate, coup stick, courage, courage of one's convictions, have the, courageous, courant, courante, Courantyne
As I explained in my review of Tenet, Nolan has an abiding interest in the links between the mathematical and physical world and the more metaphysical properties of human existence — properties like love, memory, courage, and belief.
The ancient palindrome that explains Christopher Nolan’s Tenet|Alissa Wilkinson|September 4, 2020|Vox
To me, he personified service, courage, and integrity—or as he liked to say, “It’s your character alone that will make your life happy or unhappy.”
Book recommendations from Fortune’s 40 under 40 in tech|Rachel King|September 4, 2020|Fortune
This shouldn’t be a moment, but a true movement, and I hope they find the courage to do the right thing.
Sacramento Report: Jones, COVID-19 and the Irony of Remote Voting|Sara Libby and Jesse Marx|August 28, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Without the courage of these essential workers who continue to put themselves in harm’s way, our families would not have the food or medicine we need during this crisis.
The Pandemic Hasn’t Gone Away – Neither Should Hazard Pay|Todd Walters and Brent E. Beltrán|August 20, 2020|Voice of San Diego
My wife was talking to her on the phone, and I just kinda found the courage to ask her.
Deer Tick's John McCauley on Ten Years in Rock and Roll|James Joiner|January 2, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The courage of this husband and father is a constant reminder of how much some sacrifice for exercising universal rights.
Behind Bars for the Holidays: 11 Political Prisoners We Want to See Free In 2015|Movements.Org|December 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Absolutely: “Courage I would rank now in the hierarchy of art and love.”
Mailer’s Letters Pack a Punch and a Surprising Degree of Sweetness|Ronald K. Fried|December 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
There is the will of the people; the resolve of the political class; the courage of the media; and the authority of the courts.
The U.S. Will Torture Again—and We’re All to Blame|Michael Tomasky|December 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Courage, one recalls, is not the absence of fear but the ability to act in the face of it.
The Straight Hero of Cameroon’s Gays|Jay Michaelson|December 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But his courage was at last put to a test of which he had never dreamed.
Strange Stories of Colonial Days|Various
"Would that I had half the courage for my quest," I mused, and walked slowly back to the solitary lodge.
Lords of the North|A. C. Laut
More than any other it represents difficulties mastered, resources combined, labour, courage and patience.
Italian Hours|Henry James
It had to be done, though, and it seemed a good opportunity for testing your courage, so I asked you to come with me.
Derrick Sterling|Kirk Monroe
She told me to be quiet and have courage and all would be well and that I must get well as fast as possible.
A Child of the Sea; and Life Among the Mormons|Elizabeth Whitney Williams
British Dictionary definitions for courage
/ (ˈkʌrɪdʒ) /
the power or quality of dealing with or facing danger, fear, pain, etc
the courage of one's convictionsthe confidence to act in accordance with one's beliefs
take one's courage in both handsto nerve oneself to perform an action
obsoletemind; disposition; spirit
Word Origin for courage
C13: from Old French corage, from cuer heart, from Latin cor