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[ bluhd-ee ] / ˈblʌd i / SEE SYNONYMS FOR bloody ON THESAURUS.COM
adjective, blood·i·er, blood·i·est.stained or covered with blood: a bloody handkerchief. bleeding: a bloody nose. characterized by bloodshed: bloody battle; a bloody rule. inclined to bloodshed; bloodthirsty: a bloody dictator. of, relating to, or resembling blood; containing or composed of blood: bloody tissue. Slang. (used as an intensifier): a bloody shame; a bloody nuisance. verb (used with object), blood·ied, blood·y·ing.to stain or smear with blood. to cause to bleed, as by a blow or accident: to bloody someone's nose. adverbSlang. (used as an intensifier): bloody awful; bloody wonderful. Origin of bloodybefore 1000; Middle English blody,Old English blōdig.See blood, -y1 SYNONYMS FOR bloody1-3 sanguinary, ensanguined, gory. 4 murderous, homicidal; savage, brutal, ferocious; cruel, inhuman, ruthless. SEE SYNONYMS FOR bloody ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM bloodyblood·i·ly, adverbblood·i·ness, nounun·blood·i·ly, adverbun·blood·i·ness, noun un·blood·y, adjective Words nearby bloodyblood volume, bloodwood, blood work, bloodworm, bloodwort, bloody, Bloody Caesar, bloody flux, Bloody Mary, bloody-minded, bloody-nosed beetle Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for bloodyThe first thing the female needs to do is find her bloody food source. Evolution made mosquitos into stealthy, sensitive vampires|Erica McAlister|October 15, 2020|Popular Science In 1988, protests over the status of the territory escalated to bloody anti-Armenian rioting in Azeri cities. The Mobster Who Brought Armenia and Azerbaijan Together … in Death|Fiona Zublin|October 9, 2020|Ozy The campaign allegedly included sending them a bloody pig mask, a funeral wreath and other disturbing items. Four ex-eBay employees to admit guilt in cyberstalking plot|Verne Kopytoff|September 23, 2020|Fortune Roughly 70,000 veterans who survived the bloody, four-year conflict lost limbs. Times of strife can lead to medical innovation—when governments are willing|By Jeffrey Clemens/The Conversation|September 9, 2020|Popular Science
The process is typically a bloody, grisly affair, frequently playing out over several hours or even days. Just Because It’s Natural Doesn’t Mean It’s Good - Issue 89: The Dark Side|David P. Barash|August 19, 2020|Nautilus And even as the bloody siege continues, so, too, do signs of life. The Brothers Who Ambushed ISIS|Mohammed A. Salih|December 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST And the next time his friend saw Moses, it was online; his bloody body was slapped on a stretcher. Alleged Cop Killer’s Blood-Soaked Screenplay|M.L. Nestel|December 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST Like many other Pakistani Taliban, Jamal has his own horror stories to tell, which he believes can justify any bloody retribution. Pakistani School Killers Want to Strike the U.S.|Sami Yousafzai, Christopher Dickey|December 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST Earlier that day, officials say, Stone went on a bloody rampage killing six of his kin and wreaking havoc in three small towns. Hunt for Iraq Vet After Killing Spree|M.L. Nestel|December 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST There are offers 16 Arghoslent songs on Spotify, the most popular is “Bloody Mary.” White Supremacists on Spotify|Caitlin Dickson|December 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST Only the coming of a Gern cruiser could ever offer them the bloody, violent opportunity to regain their freedom. Finally on March ninth Georges himself was seized in the streets of Paris after a desperate and bloody resistance. The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte|William Milligan Sloane We shall be paid for betraying the traitors, and, when we have gained wealth, no one will ask from what bloody source it came. A Conspiracy of the Carbonari|Louise Mhlbach Who could sketch the changes, the constant shifting of the bloody panorama? The Battle of Gettysburg|Frank Aretas Haskell And along the roads stretched endless caravans of gray ambulances, for it promised to be a bloody business. Italy at War and the Allies in the West|E. Alexander Powell
British Dictionary definitions for bloody
adjective bloodier or bloodiestcovered or stained with blood resembling or composed of blood marked by much killing and bloodsheda bloody war cruel or murderousa bloody tyrant of a deep red colour; blood-red adverb, adjectiveslang, mainly British (intensifier)a bloody fool; bloody fine food verb bloodies, bloodying or bloodiedDerived forms of bloodybloodily, adverbbloodiness, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to bloodybloodstained, gory, grisly, savage, ferocious, murderous, cruel, fierce, grim, damn, goddamn, crimson, wounded, gaping, open, imbrued, decimating, blasted, raw, sanguine Medical definitions for bloody
adj.Stained with blood. Of, characteristic of, or containing blood. Suggesting the color of blood; blood-red. v.To stain, spot, or color with or as if with blood. To make bleed, as by injuring or wounding. The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. |