any of several large deer of the genus Rangifer, of northern and arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America, both male and female of which have antlers.
Origin of reindeer
1350–1400; Middle English raynder(e) <Old Norse hreindȳri, equivalent to hreinn reindeer + dȳr animal (cognate with deer)
Not only has he not “done Santa in four years,” but he has sold his reindeer as well.
Kerry Bentivolio: The Congressman Who Believes in Santa Claus|Ben Jacobs|December 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Presumably with caroling, though presumably not with “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.”
Keep Christmas Commercialized!|P. J. O’Rourke|December 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Residents there proclaimed in 1927 that Santa could never live in the North Pole because his reindeer would never survive.
8 Facts You Never Knew About Christmas|Brandy Zadrozny|December 24, 2013|DAILY BEAST
As temperatures in the Arctic skyrocket, reindeer are suffering staggeringly large, rapid population losses.
The End of the Arctic? Ocean Could be Ice Free by 2015|Mark Hertsgaard|December 13, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The fish is tasty, but the real treat is exotic game like reindeer.
Nine Amazing Places To Skinny Dip Around The World|Erin Cunningham|September 21, 2013|DAILY BEAST
On the way to the North Cape we visited a reindeer camp of the Laplanders.
Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie|Andrew Carnegie
But the Yankees hit the Reindeer so often that she was cut to pieces and her masts ready to fall.
Stories of Our Naval Heroes|Various
It was evident that the wolves were being badly worsted in the fight, as the reindeer were now the aggressors.
Three Boys in the Wild North Land|Egerton Ryerson Young
And perhaps what this reindeer has done is all the knowledge and experience I gain that day.
Look Back on Happiness|Knut Hamsun
Perhaps it was well for the reindeer that the boys were there.
The Later Cave-Men|Katharine Elizabeth Dopp
British Dictionary definitions for reindeer
/ (ˈreɪnˌdɪə) /
a large deer, Rangifer tarandus, having large branched antlers in the male and female and inhabiting the arctic regions of Greenland, Europe, and Asia. It also occurs in North America, where it is known as a caribou
Word Origin for reindeer
C14: from Old Norse hreindӯri, from hreinn reindeer + dyr animal; related to Dutch rendier, German Rentier; see deer