to set or make true, accurate, or right; remove the errors or faults from: The native guide corrected our pronunciation. The new glasses corrected his eyesight.
to point out or mark the errors in: The teacher corrected the examination papers.
to scold, rebuke, or punish in order to improve: Should parents correct their children in public?
to counteract the operation or effect of (something hurtful or undesirable): The medication will correct stomach acidity.
Mathematics, Physics. to alter or adjust so as to bring into accordance with a standard or with a required condition.
verb (used without object)
to make a correction or corrections.
(of stock prices) to reverse a trend, especially temporarily, as after a sharp advance or decline in previous trading sessions.
conforming to fact or truth; free from error; accurate: a correct answer.
in accordance with an acknowledged or accepted standard; proper: correct behavior.
(of a judgment or opinion) just or right: I feel this decision is correct because of the defendant’s age.
characterized by or adhering to a liberal or progressive ideology on matters of ethnicity, religion, sexuality, ecology, etc.: Is it environmentally correct to buy a real Christmas tree?Most of the judges in this district have correct political views.
Origin of correct
First recorded in 1300–50; (verb) Middle English correcten, from Anglo-French correcter, from Latin corrēctus (past participle of corrigere “to make straight, set right”) equivalent to cor- cor- + reg- (stem of regere “to keep straight, make straight, guide” ( see direct) + -tus past participle suffix; (adjective) from French correct, from Latin, as above
1 rectify, amend, emend, reform, remedy.
3 warn, chasten, castigate.
8 faultless, perfect, exact.
synonym study for correct
3. See punish. 8. Correct,accurate,precise imply conformity to fact, standard, or truth. A correct statement is one free from error, mistakes, or faults. An accurate statement is one that shows careful conformity to fact, truth, or spirit. A precise statement shows scrupulously strict and detailed conformity to fact.