Others secretly agree with Cornel West and Tavis Smiley, who have been unremitting in their criticism of Obama on matters of race.
An Obama Campaign Photo That Looks Like a Young Republican Rally|Mansfield Frazier|April 10, 2012|DAILY BEAST
And one who denounced Harry Belafonte and Cornel West to boot!
Michael Tomasky: How Herman Cain’s Vanity Sank His Campaign|Michael Tomasky|December 1, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Plus, great thinkers from Cornel West to Robert Reich tell us what they're angry about.
America the Angry|Doug Schoen|June 4, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Greed and Poverty By Cornel West Professor, author, and Democratic intellectual I'm full of unbelievable anger.
Why America's Furious: Cornel West, Robert Reich, and More|The Daily Beast|June 2, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Here is the cornel, whose lovely blooms filled the forest with butterfly beauty, it seems no longer ago than yesterday.
Old Plymouth Trails|Winthrop Packard
Your father was a common so'dier and his was cornel o' the regiment!'
Heather and Snow|George MacDonald
Cornel, kor′nel, n. the cornelian cherry or dogwood, a small tree native to southern Europe.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (part 1 of 4: A-D)|Various
Colvin and Clavers (Cornel) have put us out of all that we have, so that we know not where to go.
The Men of the Moss-Hags|S. R. Crockett
And ye see it's for a' our interest, Cornel, that you should stay at Brentwood.
Great Ghost Stories|Various
British Dictionary definitions for cornel
/ (ˈkɔːnəl) /
any cornaceous plant of the genus Cornus, such as the dogwood and dwarf cornel
Word Origin for cornel
C16: probably from Middle Low German kornelle, from Old French cornelle, from Vulgar Latin cornicula (unattested), from Latin cornum cornel cherry, from cornus cornel tree