

单词 red river

Red River


a river flowing E from NW Texas along the S boundary of Oklahoma into the Mississippi River in Louisiana. About 1,300 miles (2,095 km) long.
Also called Red River of the North . a river flowing N along the boundary between Minnesota and North Dakota to Lake Winnipeg in S Canada. 533 miles (860 km) long.

Words nearby Red River

redraw, red reflex, redress, redress the balance, red ribbon, Red River, Red River War, red roman, redroot, red rose, red rot
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for Red River

  • With the escape of the Red-river flotilla, the career of Admiral Porter on the rivers ended.

    The Naval History of the United States|Willis J. Abbot.
  • The Red-river, like the Mississippi, forms an impenetrable series of swamps and lakes.

    The Americans as They Are|Charles Sealsfield
  • They were located on a lake, which communicates with the branch of Red-river passing Bayou Pierre.

    The Indian in his Wigwam|Henry R. Schoolcraft
  • At Alexandria the Red-river bottom is full of great rocks that make it impassable except at the highest water.

    The Naval History of the United States|Willis J. Abbot.

British Dictionary definitions for Red River

Red River


Also called: Red River of the South a river in the S central US, flowing east from N Texas through Arkansas into the Mississippi in Louisiana. Length: 1639 km (1018 miles)
a river in the northern US, flowing north as the border between North Dakota and Minnesota and into Lake Winnipeg, Canada. Length: 515 km (320 miles)
a river in SE Asia, rising in SW China in Yunnan province and flowing southeast across N Vietnam to the Gulf of Tongkin: the chief river of N Vietnam, with an extensive delta. Length: 500 km (310 miles)Vietnamese name: Song Koi
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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