Smartphone cameras automatically try to combat this conundrum by taking multiple pictures at different exposure levels, and then quickly mashing them together to try to even things out every time you press the button.
Photoshop will soon use AI to add dramatic skies to your boring photos|Stan Horaczek|September 23, 2020|Popular Science
The pandemic has merely laid bare and made even starker the economic challenges Alberta was already facing—the essential conundrums of boom and bust at the heart of any oil region.
After the boom: Canada’s oil capital faces an uncertain future|kdunn6|September 21, 2020|Fortune
This, needless to say, is not a new conundrum, but one that philosophers have discussed for as long as there’ve been philosophers.
Your Guide to the Many Meanings of Quantum Mechanics - Facts So Romantic|Sabine Hossenfelder|September 3, 2020|Nautilus
That has created a little bit of a promotional conundrum for Scroll.
Inside Tony Haile’s expedition to (help) save the news business |Steven Perlberg|July 27, 2020|Digiday
Primordial magnetism might also help resolve another cosmological conundrum known as the Hubble tension — probably the hottest topic in cosmology.
The Hidden Magnetic Universe Begins to Come Into View|Natalie Wolchover|July 2, 2020|Quanta Magazine
This Fourth of July conundrum was addressed all the way back in 1907, in the esteemed medical journal JAMA.
How Not to Blow Yourself Up on July 4th|Kent Sepkowitz|July 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The Burger Chef conundrum leads to another poignant exchange between the two lost souls.
Mad Men’s ‘The Strategy,’ With Peggy and Don’s Late-Night Powwow, is S7’s Best Episode (So Far)|Marlow Stern|May 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Compounding the conundrum further is the fact that many cellphones allow direct access to information in remote cloud storage.
Can Government Call the Shots on Cellphone Privacy?|Aziz Huq|April 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The result is a conundrum for the Republican Party where there is no clear middle ground.
Even a Path to Citizenship for Military Volunteers Is Too Much for House Republicans|Ben Jacobs|April 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This conundrum is referred to with the awful acronym of DURC, for “dual use research of concern.”
The Deadliest Botox Has Arrived|Kent Sepkowitz|October 18, 2013|DAILY BEAST
That was a conundrum, and Matt had no time to give to conundrums just then.
Motor Matt's Red Flyer, or, On the High Gear|Stanley R. Matthews
You surely remember the conundrum about a cold chop and a hot steak.
The Four Corners Abroad|Amy Ella Blanchard
The opinions of the day are often more clearly expressed in a conundrum than in an essay.
The Handbook of Conundrums|Edith B. Ordway
Is this a conundrum or blather, invented to hide your ignominy in a cloud of words?
The Invader|Margaret L. Woods
But there was no satisfactory answer to that conundrum and he went back to his books.
Center Rush Rowland|Ralph Henry Barbour
British Dictionary definitions for conundrum
/ (kəˈnʌndrəm) /
a riddle, esp one whose answer makes a play on words