anything that contains or can contain something, as a carton, box, crate, or can.
a large, vanlike, reuseable box for consolidating smaller crates or cartons into a single shipment, designed for easy and fast loading and unloading of freight.
Origin of container
1400–50 for an earlier sense; 1495–1505 for def. 1; late Middle English conteiner;see contain, -er1
In one set of experiments, he stressed the animals by trapping them inside a wire-mesh container for 30 minutes.
Puberty may reboot the brain and behaviors|Esther Landhuis|August 27, 2020|Science News For Students
Some TVs can’t decode certain formats, like DTS or Dolby Atmos, which means this trick won’t work on movies encoded in those containers.
How to fix that annoying audio delay on your soundbar|Whitson Gordon|August 25, 2020|Popular Science
Engineer Charles Carron of Grenoble, Switzerland, suggested that a 40-foot-long, 20,000-pound, bullet-shaped container should be added to the tower’s silhouette.
The Story Behind the Eiffel Tower’s Forgotten Competitors|Fiona Zublin|August 10, 2020|Ozy
Officers then carried out an hours-long raid on the publication’s offices, cordoning off large sections of the newsroom and carting away containers full of confiscated material, as the newspaper’s staff live-streamed the proceedings.
Beijing is moving to demolish one of the only Hong Kong newspapers it doesn’t control|Mary Hui|August 10, 2020|Quartz
The carved stone container holds a miniature llama or alpaca carved from a spiny oyster shell and a gold sheet rolled into a cylinder about the length of a paperclip, the scientists report in the August Antiquity.
A submerged Inca offering hints at Lake Titicaca’s sacred role|Bruce Bower|August 3, 2020|Science News
After walking block after block holding that container, he had suddenly discarded it and was now clutching a gun.
Exclusive: Inside a Cop-Killer’s Final Hours|Michael Daly|December 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They should be brought out one at a time and used immediately, rather than possibly leaving a container open.
Kids Eat the Darndest Things: Laundry Pods, Teething Necklaces, and More Of The Weirdest Stuff Sending Kids to the E.R.|Russell Saunders|November 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
We fill every container, bucket and bathtub in the house and it lasts us until the next time.
Beating Cancer & Dodging Israel's Bombs|Itay Hod|September 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As a test, Sun shipped over a container stuffed with apparel made in his home province.
'Made in China' Now Being Made in Africa|Brendon Hong|August 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Why is it that Greek Gods honey-flavored Greek yogurt seems wholesome, even though each 24-ounce container has 99 grams of sugar?
Your Health Food’s Hidden Sugar Bomb|Michael Schulson|July 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Tentatively he pulled at the container cover, it was as firm as if it had been welded on.
Warning from the Stars|Ron Cocking
I suggest that as soon as we have dug a deep hole in the desert the hood and container be buried and forgotten about.
The Ethical Engineer|Henry Maxwell Dempsey
Again he filled the container and rode back to his friend, who was delighted.
Captured by the Arabs|James H. Foster
Soak overnight, and next morning put the beans in the container, cover, and leave them in a warm place.
Let's Use Soybeans|Anonymous
After they are in place the container may be filled with denatured alcohol, and the burners lighted and placed under the boiler.
Boys' Book of Model Boats|Raymond Francis Yates
British Dictionary definitions for container
/ (kənˈteɪnə) /
an object used for or capable of holding, esp for transport or storage, such as a carton, box, etc
a large cargo-carrying standard-sized container that can be loaded from one mode of transport to another