serving to compose or make up a thing; component: the constituent parts of a motor.
having power to frame or alter a political constitution or fundamental law, as distinguished from lawmaking power: a constituent assembly.
a constituent element, material, etc.; component.
a person who authorizes another to act in his or her behalf, as a voter in a district represented by an elected official.
Grammar. an element considered as part of a construction.Compare immediate constituent, ultimate constituent.
Origin of constituent
First recorded in 1615–25; from Latin constituent- (stem of constituēns, present participle of constituere “to set up, found, constitute),” equivalent to con- con- + -stitu- (combining form of statuere “to set up”) + -ent- -ent
The researchers first identified counties in six states that adopted more universal mail-in voting procedures from 1992 to 2018, namely mailing all constituents a ballot before Election Day and limiting or eliminating in-person voting.
The house of cards had already begun crumbling and the world’s largest country eventually dissolved into more than a dozen constituent states in 1991.
The Failed Hijacking That Remade the Soviet Union|Eromo Egbejule|August 24, 2020|Ozy
Desmond said his goal with the podcast is to bring on a variety of perspectives so that his constituents have “more insight and information” about the current health crisis.
Supervisor by Day, But a COVID-19 Skeptic on the Airwaves|Katy Stegall|August 20, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Eventually, gravity causes the cloud’s constituents to clump together.
Explainer: Stars and their families|Ken Croswell|August 18, 2020|Science News For Students
However, this year Jones has the endorsement of every other Democrat who ran in 2018, and she’s taken aim at Tlaib’s sometimes-controversial national profile as a member of “The Squad,” claiming Tlaib is prioritizing celebrity over her constituents.
What You Need To Know About Today’s Elections In Kansas, Michigan And Missouri|Nathaniel Rakich (|August 4, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
But he is saying something simple: Nations, institutions, companies, and so on do not act; their constituent individuals do.
America’s Meddlers Are Our Worst Enemies|Stefan Beck|October 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He described talking to a constituent who asked if “they are going to put those immigrants in the FEMA camps.”
Tea Party Reindeer Farmer Faces Extinction|Ben Jacobs|July 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“If you have to go back to 1860 to talk to constituent groups, you have a problem,” Harrison said.
Democrats March on the South to Hold Senate Majority in 2014|David Freedlander|October 31, 2013|DAILY BEAST
You can take their tunes apart like a Swiss watch, and the complexity of the constituent parts is what dazzles you.
J.J. Cale, Dead at 74, Was a Songwriter Beyond Compare|Malcolm Jones|July 30, 2013|DAILY BEAST
He probably only goes to constituent meetings where they cheer on his desperate antics.
Michael Tomasky on How John McCain Humiliated Himself on Susan Rice|Michael Tomasky|November 25, 2012|DAILY BEAST
A constituent part of a species of gum which comes from Bassora, as also of gum tragacanth, and of some gum resins.
A Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines|Andrew Ure
That they were constituent members of the great Sanhedrim, appears, 2 Chron.
A Vindication of the Presbyteriall-Government and Ministry|Ministers and Elders of the London Provinciall Assembly
All constituent parts should be reasonably light and easy to handle.
Cottage Building in Cob, Pis, Chalk and Clay|Clough Williams-Ellis
They prepared the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly and they wanted to place the Congress before the accomplished fact.
Bolshevism|John Spargo
Was it the error of those principles—was it the fault of the Constituent Assembly?
History of the Girondists, Volume I|Alphonse de Lamartine
British Dictionary definitions for constituent
/ (kənˈstɪtjʊənt) /
forming part of a whole; component
having the power to frame a constitution or to constitute a government (esp in the phrases constituent assembly, constituent power)
rareelecting or having the power to elect
a component part; ingredient
a resident of a constituency, esp one entitled to vote
mainlylawa person who appoints another to act for him, as by power of attorney
linguisticsa word, phrase, or clause forming a part of a larger constructionCompare immediate constituent, ultimate constituent
Derived forms of constituent
constituently, adverb
Word Origin for constituent
C17: from Latin constituēns setting up, from constituere to establish, constitute