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[ ree-kuhn-sid-er ] / ˌri kənˈsɪd ər / SEE SYNONYMS FOR reconsider ON THESAURUS.COM
verb (used with object)to consider again, especially with a view to change of decision or action: to reconsider a refusal. Parliamentary Procedure. to take up for consideration a second time, as a motion or a vote, as with the view of reversing or modifying action taken. verb (used without object)Origin of reconsiderFirst recorded in 1565–75; re- + consider SYNONYMS FOR reconsider1 rethink, review, reexamine, reevaluate. SEE SYNONYMS FOR reconsider ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM reconsiderre·con·sid·er·a·tion, nounun·re·con·sid·ered, adjectiveWords nearby reconsiderreconnaissance car, reconnaissance satellite, reconnect, reconnoiter, reconnoitre, reconsider, reconsignment, reconstitute, reconstituted, reconstruct, reconstruction Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for reconsiderBut if he heard this combination of Greek and Cuban music, he would be forced to reconsider. The Best Albums of 2014|Ted Gioia|December 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST “The West will have to reconsider its approach towards the PKK,” he said. PKK Kurdish Terrorists Are Fighting IS Terrorists With U.S. Help|Thomas Seibert|August 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST Once upon a time in America, bold social movements pressed us all to reconsider our answer. Why We’ll Always Need a Civil Rights Movement|Sally Kohn|July 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST Leno immediately sought to have the Senate reconsider the measure, and it could come to a revote this week. Murdered for Her iPhone|Michael Daly|May 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A British High Court judge has only just last month ordered the government to reconsider its decision. Britain’s KGB Sugar Daddy|Michael Weiss|March 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST I am sorry for Ewing; indeed, I tried to get the directors to reconsider their decision and give him another chance. Christopher Quarles|Percy James Brebner Will you not reconsider your determination of resigning your post? The River of Darkness|William Murray Graydon The psychologist shook his head, then appeared to reconsider and his face brightened. Take the Reason Prisoner|John Joseph McGuire Go back to your racing; and if, before I die, you have come nearer making a man of yourself, perhaps I will reconsider. Motor Matt's Clue|Stanley R. Matthews She was a good deal comforted and inclined to reconsider the position which had seemed so hopeless half-an-hour ago. The Honorable Miss|L. T. Meade
British Dictionary definitions for reconsider
verbto consider (something) again, with a view to changing one's policy or course of action (in a legislative assembly or similar body) to consider again (a bill or other matter) that has already been voted upon Derived forms of reconsiderreconsideration, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to reconsiderreevaluate, reexamine, amend, rethink, review, revise, reassess, rehash, retrace, rearrange, emend, polish, rework, correct, go over, run through, replan, sleep on, think better of, think over |