Previous research suggests that ankle monitors do not conclusively reduce recidivism, and the technology has no history as a tool for enforcing compliance with public health orders.
Covid-19 has led to a worrisome uptick in the use of electronic ankle monitors|Amy Nordrum|October 8, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Violent criminals in America have shockingly high rates of recidivism.
The Guantanamo Exception|Philip Mudd|December 27, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Recidivism is part of the social contract in this society of freedom and justice for all.
The Guantanamo Exception|Philip Mudd|December 27, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The goal is to reduce the burden of prison costs while also reducing the recidivism rate.
The White House Takes Baby Steps Toward Drug Sentencing Reform|Jamelle Bouie|December 19, 2013|DAILY BEAST
He also suggested, however, that any recidivism would be met with a yanking of support.
Obama Does Delicate Dance on Historic Visit to Burma|Lennox Samuels|November 19, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Raising the stakes, people with these sorts of abnormal compulsions tend to have high rates of recidivism, observes Davison.
Penn State Sex-Abuse Case Revives Issue of Using Chemical Castration|Michelle Cottle|November 11, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Their recidivism is not due to an inability to distinguish between right and wrong.
Studies in Forensic Psychiatry|Bernard Glueck
The detailed study of criminal heredity and of criminal habit, or recidivism, scarcely forms part of criminal anthropology.
The Criminal|Havelock Ellis
Some part of the recidivism here is undoubtedly due to the kind of occupations which a child can carry on while attending school.
Child Labor in City Streets|Edward Nicholas Clopper
The foregoing cases, while distinctly abnormal mentally, owe their recidivism to a qualitative rather than a quantitative defect.
Studies in Forensic Psychiatry|Bernard Glueck
In time we have come to realize that our punitive methods not only do not tend to do away with recidivism, but enhance it.