Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien reassured his staff on Tuesday, telling senior aides during a meeting that they would have enough money to win the election and to expect more spending in upcoming weeks.
Trump and his campaign try to allay concerns about trailing Biden in television ads|Michael Scherer, Josh Dawsey|September 17, 2020|Washington Post
The two programs the Fed created to buy as many as $750 billion of new or existing bonds reassured investors, and they started buying again.
The Big Corporate Rescue and the America That’s Too Small to Save|by Lydia DePillis, Justin Elliott and Paul Kiel|September 12, 2020|ProPublica
Arguably, it’s reassuring that standard safety practices continue to apply despite the political pressure being exerted on the timeline and outcome of these trials.
AstraZeneca has paused its vaccine trial after a participant fell ill|Charlotte Jee|September 9, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Indeed, it’s the job of a trade association to reassure and seek to protect their members.
Ad tech is in denial about Apple’s new app privacy rule|Lara O'Reilly|July 14, 2020|Digiday
The other was to counter-attack against domestic critics while reassuring uneasy foreign leaders.
Old Flaws in Obama’s New Foreign Policy|Leslie H. Gelb|May 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But their technical record during the initial certification of the 787 is not reassuring.
NTSB Doesn’t Think the Boeing 787 Dreamliner Is Safe Enough to Fly|Clive Irving|May 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Hardly a reassuring forecast coming from a former casino croupier and Ponzi scheme salesman.
Putin’s People Stage Their Bogus Vote|Jamie Dettmer|May 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He listened over and over to the tape recordings in which Heim talked to his sons in a calm and reassuring voice.