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[ kuhn-jeen-yuhl ] / kənˈdʒin yəl / SEE SYNONYMS FOR congenial ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectiveagreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character: congenial surroundings. suited or adapted in spirit, feeling, temper, etc.; compatible: a congenial couple. Origin of congenialFirst recorded in 1615–25; from Latin con- con- + geni(us) genius + -al1 SYNONYMS FOR congenial1 favorable, pleasant, complaisant, sympathetic. SEE SYNONYMS FOR congenial ON THESAURUS.COM ANTONYMS FOR congenialSEE ANTONYMS FOR congenial ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM congenialcon·ge·ni·al·i·ty [kuhn-jee-nee-al-i-tee], /kənˌdʒi niˈæl ɪ ti/, con·gen·ial·ness, nouncon·gen·ial·ly, adverbpre·con·gen·ial, adjectivequa·si-con·gen·ial, adjective qua·si-con·gen·ial·ly, adverbun·con·gen·ial, adjectiveun·con·gen·ial·ly, adverb Words nearby congenialcongelifraction, congeliturbation, congener, congeneric, congenetic, congenial, congeniality, congenic, congenital, congenital afibrinogenemia, congenital alopecia Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for congenialShe herself represents a congenial mingling of English and Scottish blood. Queen Victoria’s Secret Scottish Sex Castle|Clive Irving|August 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST Initially, the congenial Enzi seemed to be blindsided by the Cheneys. Mike Enzi Takes on Liz Cheney|Sandra McElwaine|October 23, 2013|DAILY BEAST America needs a strategy to adapt to the faltering strength of its most important and congenial allies. America's European Allies Drop the Ball|David Frum|May 2, 2013|DAILY BEAST All the congenial things the three Democratic presidents said are true. Bush’s Legacy, Obama’s Choice|Michael Tomasky|April 25, 2013|DAILY BEAST
That last round was congenial, like a group hug on American Idol. GOP Iowa Debate: Daily Beast Contributors Grade the Candidates|The Daily Beast|December 11, 2011|DAILY BEAST You must really excuse me, as I fear I should be scarcely a congenial spirit in such a party. The Travelling Companions|F. Anstey The Austrian campaign of 1809 called him from these congenial labours to the even more congenial operations of war. Napoleon's Marshals|R. P. Dunn-Pattison He clung desperately to the hope that he might remain a congenial memory to the unsuspecting girl at his side. A Traitor's Wooing|Headon Hill Moist situations are most congenial, as among the plants that effect them it finds its winged food. Poachers and Poaching|John Watson The wretched and outcast portion of humanity yielded to his skill its most congenial material. Prophets of Dissent|Otto Heller
British Dictionary definitions for congenial/ (kənˈdʒiːnjəl, -nɪəl) /
adjectivefriendly, pleasant, or agreeablea congenial atmosphere to work in having a similar disposition, tastes, etc; compatible; sympathetic Derived forms of congenialcongeniality (kənˌdʒiːnɪˈælɪtɪ) or congenialness, nouncongenially, adverbWord Origin for congenialC17: from con- (same) + genial 1 Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to congenialsympathetic, cordial, genial, harmonious, pleasant, jovial, favorable, sociable, agreeable, mellow, pleasing, affable, convivial, gracious, adapted, companionable, compatible, complaisant, congruous, consistent |