[ ree -duh -buh l ] SHOW IPA
adjective easy or interesting to read.
capable of being read; legible: readable handwriting.
pertaining to letter mail with addresses and zip codes capable of being read by optical scanning devices.
Origin of readable First recorded in 1560–70; read1 + -able
OTHER WORDS FROM readable read·a·bly, adverb Words nearby readable reactivity, reactor, reactor vessel, read, readability, readable , read-across, read a lecture, read between the lines, readdress, Reade
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for readable Make sure that anything you publish is trustworthy, scannable, readable , and well-researched.
Five excellent tips to optimize SEO for Bing – not Google | Justin Staples| October 16, 2020| Search Engine Watch
Making a single form readable and writable can probably be done in an hour or two, which is why Deque did so and offered the updated forms to each state.
Digital vote-by-mail applications in most states are inaccessible to people with disabilities | Devin Coldewey| October 1, 2020| TechCrunch
Although not his most ambitious work, this novel is a wonderful example of Johnson operating in his most readable mode.
Denis Johnson’s Beautiful Apocalypse | Nicholas Mancusi| November 13, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Nonetheless there are some readable and useful tomes that fans of men running around in shorts on a big field will find valuable.
The Literature of Futbol: 11 Great Books About Soccer | Robert Birnbaum| June 25, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Translations into clear and readable English actually fail to convey the stylistic obscurity and difficulty of his Greek.
The Classics are Dead! Long Live the Classics! Mary Beard’s New Book | Nick Romeo| September 20, 2013| DAILY BEAST
In 2011 the judges came under fire for a shortlist many, including the former poet laureate Andrew Motion, deemed too “readable .”
The 12 Biggest Booker Prize Controversies | Thomas Flynn| July 23, 2013| DAILY BEAST
There were many things only in Greek in his lifetime, or not all that readable in their first translations.
Anthony Grafton: How I Write | Noah Charney| July 17, 2013| DAILY BEAST
The object of this book is to give a clear and readable sketch of the general course of Roman history.
Arts and Crafts Essays | Various
As readable as a novel, and as instructive as an important chapter of history can well be.
How to be Happy Though Married | E. J. Hardy.
Whole crowds of men were named as the real authors of his books and plays; but they were only readable when he signed for them.
Views and Reviews | William Ernest Henley
All their books are readable , but they do not take by the hand the person who has thought wrong or not thought at all.
A Novelist on Novels | W. L. George
They are also the most Readable and Entertaining Books published.
British Dictionary definitions for readable adjective (of handwriting, etc) able to be read or deciphered; legible
(of style of writing) interesting, easy, or pleasant to read
Derived forms of readable readability or readableness , noun readably , adverb Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to readable precise, comprehensible, lucid, coherent, straightforward, enjoyable, satisfying, gripping, worthwhile, fascinating, absorbing, interesting, eloquent, appealing, engaging, engrossing, amusing, rewarding, enthralling, entertaining