单词 | concord |
释义 | concord[ kon-kawrd, kong- ] / ˈkɒn kɔrd, ˈkɒŋ- / SEE SYNONYMS FOR concord ON THESAURUS.COM nounagreement between persons, groups, nations, etc.; concurrence in attitudes, feelings, etc.; unanimity; accord: There was complete concord among the delegates. agreement between things; mutual fitness; harmony. Grammar. agreement (def. 6). peace; amity. a treaty; compact; covenant. Music. a stable, harmonious combination of tones; a chord requiring no resolution. Origin of concord1250–1300; Middle English concorde<Old French <Latin concordia, equivalent to concord- (stem of concors) harmonious (con-con- + cord-, stem of corsheart) + -ia-ia SYNONYMS FOR concord4 harmony, goodwill, friendship. SEE SYNONYMS FOR concord ON THESAURUS.COM ANTONYMS FOR concord4 ill will, animosity. SEE ANTONYMS FOR concord ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM concordcon·cord·al, adjectiveWords nearby concordconcomitance, concomitancy, concomitant, concomitant strabismus, concomitant symptom, concord, concordance, concordance rate, concordant, concordant alternation, concordat Definition for concord (2 of 2)Concord [ kong-kerd for 1, 2, 5, 6; kon-kawrd, kong- for 3, 4; for 5, 6 also kon-kawrd, kong- ] / ˈkɒŋ kərd for 1, 2, 5, 6; ˈkɒn kɔrd, ˈkɒŋ- for 3, 4; for 5, 6 also ˈkɒn kɔrd, ˈkɒŋ- / nouna town in E Massachusetts, NW of Boston: second battle of the Revolution fought here April 19, 1775. a city in W California, near San Francisco. a city in and the capital of New Hampshire, in the S part. a city in central North Carolina. Concord grape. a sweet red wine with a strong grapelike taste, made from the Concord grape. Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for concordBritish Dictionary definitions for concord (1 of 2)concord / (ˈkɒnkɔːd, ˈkɒŋ-) / nounagreement or harmony between people or nations; amity a treaty establishing peaceful relations between nations agreement or harmony between things, ideas, etc music a combination of musical notes, esp one containing a series of consonant intervalsCompare discord (def. 3) grammar another word for agreement (def. 6) Word Origin for concordC13: from Old French concorde, from Latin concordia, from concors of the same mind, harmonious, from com- same + cor heart British Dictionary definitions for concord (2 of 2)Concord / (ˈkɒŋkəd) / nouna town in NE Massachusetts: scene of one of the opening military actions (1775) of the War of American Independence. Pop: 16 937 (2003 est) a city in New Hampshire, the state capital: printing, publishing. Pop: 41 823 (2003 est) Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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