the extent to which or the limits between which variation is possible: the range of steel prices; a wide range of styles.
the extent or scope of the operation or action of something: within range of vision.
the distance to which a projectile is or may be sent by a weapon.
the distance of the target from the weapon.
an area equipped with targets for practice in shooting weapons: a rifle range.
an area used for flight-testing missiles.
the distance of something to be located from some point of operation, as in sound ranging.
the distance that can be covered by an aircraft, ship, or other vehicle, carrying a normal load without refueling.
Statistics. the difference between the largest and smallest values in a statistical distribution.
a continuous course of masonry of the same height from end to end.
Music. compass (def. 4).
the horizontal direction or extension of a survey line established by two or more marked points.
(in U.S. public-land surveys) one of a series of divisions numbered east or west from the principal meridian of the survey and consisting of a row of townships, each six miles square, that are numbered north or south from a base line.
Navigation. a line established by markers or lights on shore for the location of soundings.
a rank, class, or order: in the higher ranges of society.
a row, line, or series, as of persons or things.
an act of ranging or moving around, as over an area or region.
Also called rangeland. an area or tract that is or may be ranged over, especially an open region for the grazing of livestock.
the region over which a population or species is distributed: the range of the Baltimore oriole.
Mathematics. the set of all values attained by a given function throughout its domain.
a chain of mountains forming a single system: the Catskill Range.
a large portable or stationary cooking stove having burners built into the top surface and containing one or more ovens.
Physics. the maximum distance that a charged particle, as a proton, can penetrate a given medium and still maintain sufficient kinetic energy to produce ionization in the medium.
a large cleat for securing various lines, especially the tacks and sheets of courses.
a length of anchor cable laid on deck.
working or grazing on a range: range horses; range animals like steer and sheep.
verb (used with object),ranged,rang·ing.
to draw up or arrange (persons or things) in rows or lines or in a specific position, company, or group: The sergeant ranged the troops in columns of six across.
to place or arrange systematically; set in order; dispose: The members of the cast were ranged in their proper places on stage.
to place in a particular class; classify: They ranged themselves with the liberals.
to make straight, level, or even, as lines of type.
to pass over or through (an area or region) in all directions, as in exploring or searching: They ranged the entire countryside.
to pasture (cattle) on a range.
to direct or train, as a telescope, upon an object.
to obtain the range of (something aimed at or to be located).
Nautical. to lay out (an anchor cable) so that the anchor may descend smoothly.
verb (used without object),ranged,rang·ing.
to vary within certain limits: prices ranging from $5 to $10.
to have a certain variety of things somehow related: emotions ranging from smugness to despair.
to move around or through a region in all directions, as people or animals.
to rove, roam, or wander: The talk ranged over a variety of subjects.
to stretch out or extend in a line, as things: shabby houses ranged along the road.
to extend, run, or go in a certain direction: a boundary ranging from east and west.
to lie or extend in the same line or plane, as one thing with another or others.
to take up a position in a line or in order.
to extend, be found, or occur over an area or throughout a period, as an animal or plant.
to have a specified range, as a gun, missile, etc.
to find the range, as of something aimed at or to be located.
Nautical. (of an anchored vessel) to swerve or sheer (often followed by about).
Idioms for range
in range, (of two or more objects observed from a vessel) located one directly behind the other.
Origin of range
First recorded in1350–1400; (noun) Middle English, from Old French renge “row,” derivative of renc “line”; see rank1; (verb) Middle English rangen, from Middle French ranger,Old French rengier, derivative of renc
1 sweep, reach.
14 kind, sort.
15 tier, file.
25 align, rank.
26 array.
38 lie.
synonym study for range
1. Range,compass,latitude,scope refer to extent or breadth. Range emphasizes extent and diversity: the range of one's interests.Compass suggests definite limits: within the compass of one's mind.Latitude emphasizes the idea of freedom from narrow confines, thus breadth or extent: granted latitude of action.Scope suggests great freedom but a proper limit: the scope of one's activities; the scope of one's obligations.36. See roam.
He then traipsed around the district dispensing “investments” ranging from $50,000 to $500,000 to local companies.
The Rise and Fall of Chris Hughes and Sean Eldridge, America’s Worst Gay Power Couple|James Kirchick|December 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
At the beginning of 2014, there were editions in 287 languages, ranging from Afrikaans to Žemaitška.
You Can Look It Up: The Wikipedia Story|Walter Isaacson|October 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
So too are other issues of interest to both groups, ranging from school choice to sentencing reform to occupational licensing.
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The vintage-inspired collaboration will include ten moto pieces, ranging from t-shirts and pants to boots and leather jackets.
Michelle Obama Talks Beauty at Maya Angelou’s Memorial; David Beckham Designs For Belstaff|The Fashion Beast Team|June 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Ranging from mildly offensive to potentially catastrophic, they all point to the same underlying theme: technology trumps decency.
What to Answer: Your Phone or Your Wife?|Abby Haglage|March 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
My first shot had been too far back; the second went in at the flank, ranging forward and breaking his shoulder.
American Big-Game Hunting|Various
Ranging up beside the judge, the Mistress took off Lad's leash and collar.
Lad: A Dog|Albert Payson Terhune
Between these extremes there is an almost infinite series of strata, ranging through every conceivable degree of subconsciousness.
What Is and What Might Be|Edmond Holmes
The choice was very wide; ranging from the Muskoka lakes to the Yosemite Valley.
Mrs. Falchion, Complete|Gilbert Parker
They are very common in the Rockies, ranging from an elevation of eight thousand feet to the timber-line.
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British Dictionary definitions for range
/ (reɪndʒ) /
the limits within which a person or thing can function effectivelythe range of vision
the limits within which any fluctuation takes placea range of values
the total products of a manufacturer, designer, or stockistthe new autumn range
the maximum effective distance of a projectile fired from a weapon
the distance between a target and a weapon
an area set aside for shooting practice or rocket testing
the total distance which a ship, aircraft, or land vehicle is capable of covering without taking on fresh fuelthe range of this car is about 160 miles
physicsthe distance that a particle of ionizing radiation, such as an electron or proton, can travel through a given medium, esp air, before ceasing to cause ionization
(of a function) the set of values that the function takes for all possible argumentsCompare domain (def. 7a)
(of a variable) the set of values that a variable can take
(of a quantifier) the set of values that the variable bound by the quantifier can take
statisticsa measure of dispersion obtained by subtracting the smallest from the largest sample values
the extent of pitch difference between the highest and lowest notes of a voice, instrument, etc
US and Canadian
an extensive tract of open land on which livestock can graze
(as modifier)range cattle
the geographical region in which a species of plant or animal normally grows or lives
a rank, row, or series of items
a series or chain of mountains
a large stove with burners and one or more ovens, usually heated by solid fuel
the act or process of ranging
nauticala line of sight taken from the sea along two or more navigational aids that mark a navigable channel
the extension or direction of a survey line, established by marking two or more points
a double-faced bookcase, as in a library
range of significancephilosophylogicthe set of subjects for which a given predicate is intelligible
to establish or be situated in a line, row, or series
(tr; often reflexive foll by with) to put into a specific category; classifyshe ranges herself with the angels
(foll by on)to aim or point (a telescope, gun, etc) or (of a gun, telescope, etc) to be pointed or aimed
to establish the distance of (a target) from (a weapon)
(intr)(of a gun or missile) to have a specified range
(when intr , foll by over) to wander about (in) an area; roam (over)
(intr foll by over) (of an animal or plant) to live or grow in its normal habitat
(tr)to put (cattle) to graze on a range
(intr)to fluctuate within specific limitstheir ages range from 18 to 21
(intr)to extend or run in a specific direction
(tr)nauticalto coil (an anchor rope or chain) so that it will pay out smoothly
(intr)nautical(of a vessel) to swing back and forth while at anchor
(tr)to make (lines of printers' type) level or even at the margin
Word Origin for range
C13: from Old French: row, from ranger to position, from renc line
The set of all values that a given function may have. Compare domain.
The difference between the smallest and largest values in a set of data. If the lowest test score of a group of students is 54 and the highest is 94, the range is 40.