prepared, done, or acting with sole or chief emphasis on salability, profit, or success: a commercial product; His attitude toward the theater is very commercial.
able to yield or make a profit: We decided that the small oil well was not commercial.
suitable or fit for a wide, popular market: Communications satellites are gradually finding a commercial use.
suitable for or catering to business rather than private use: commercial kitchen design; commercial refrigeration.
(of a vehicle or its use)
engaged in transporting passengers or goods for profit.
civilian and public, as distinguished from military or private.
not entirely or chemically pure: commercial soda.
catering especially to traveling salespeople by offering reduced rates, space for exhibiting products, etc.: a commercial hotel.
(in U.S. government grading of beef) graded between standard and utility.
paid for by advertisers: commercial television.
Radioand Television. a paid advertisement or promotional announcement.
(in U.S. government grading of beef)
a low-quality grade of beef between standard and utility.
a cut of beef of this grade.
BritishInformal. a traveling salesperson.
Origin of commercial
First recorded in 1680–90; commerce + -ial
synonym study for commercial
1. Commercial,mercantile refer to the activities of business, industry, and trade. Commercial is the broader term, covering all the activities and relationships of industry and trade. In a derogatory sense it may mean such a preoccupation with the affairs of commerce as results in indifference to considerations other than wealth: commercial treaties; a merely commercial viewpoint.Mercantile applies to the purchase and sale of goods, or to the transactions of business: a mercantile house or class.