to soothe, console, or reassure; bring cheer to: They tried to comfort her after her loss.
to make physically comfortable.
Obsolete. to aid; support or encourage.
relief in affliction; consolation; solace: Her presence was a comfort to him.
a feeling of relief or consolation: Her forgiveness afforded him great comfort.
a person or thing that gives consolation: She was a great comfort to him.
a cause or matter of relief or satisfaction: The patient's recovery was a comfort to the doctor.
a state of ease and satisfaction of bodily wants, with freedom from pain and anxiety: He is a man who enjoys his comfort.
something that promotes such a state: His wealth allows him to enjoy a high degree of comfort.
Chiefly Midland and Southern U.S.a comforter or quilt.
Obsolete. strengthening aid; assistance.
Origin of comfort
1175–1225; (v.) Middle English comfortien, variant of confortien,conforten<Anglo-French, Old French conforter<Late Latin confortāre to strengthen, equivalent to con-con- + -fortāre verbal derivative of Latin fortis strong; (noun) Middle English <Anglo-French, Old French, noun derivative of the v.
1 pacify, calm, solace, gladden.
1, 2 ease.
synonym study for comfort
1. Comfort,console,relieve,soothe imply assuaging sorrow, worry, discomfort, or pain. To comfort is to lessen the sadness or sorrow of someone and to strengthen by inspiring with hope and restoring a cheerful outlook: to comfort a despairing person.Console, a more formal word, means to make grief or distress seem lighter, by means of kindness and thoughtful attentions: to console a bereaved parent.Relieve means to lighten, lessen, or remove pain, trouble, discomfort, or hardship: to relieve a needy person.Soothe means to pacify or calm: to soothe a child.8. See ease.
comfit, comfort
Words nearby comfort
come up with, come what may, come with the territory, COMEX, comfit, comfort, comfortable, comfort animal, comforter, comfort food, comforting
Instead, he asked meaningful questions that brought me comfort.
A Welcome Lifeline|Washington Regional Transplant Community|September 17, 2020|Washington Blade
You can also opt to purchase the item with shoulder pads for extra comfort.
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That’s a raw deal for China, as well as India, Vietnam, and other countries trying to raise their citizens to the level of affluence and comfort afforded those in the West.
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The comfort and flexibility of learning online have always been of attraction to long-life learners.
Inbound marketing for brand awareness: Four up-to-date ways to do it|Ali Faagba|September 11, 2020|Search Engine Watch
For that reason, working out alone, be it outside or in the comfort of your own home, is pretty much risk-free, Thomas says.
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Talking about death is never easy, but with food, comfort, and familiarity, a new kind of dinner party is making it easier.
Everyone at This Dinner Party Has Lost Someone|Samantha Levine|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The doctor tells me I can walk on it right away, “as comfort allows.”
You’re Never ‘Cured’ of an Eating Disorder|Carrie Arnold|December 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Liberals either boast or comfort themselves that their own beliefs push humanity forward.
Glenn Beck Is Now Selling Hipster Clothes. Really.|Ana Marie Cox|December 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But, if anything, the endurance made the desire for comfort food even greater.
Cereal Cafe’s Big Bowl of Hate|David Levesley|December 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Cereal brings back memories of lazy mornings and easy extravagance, a time when worries were few and comfort was plenty.
Cereal Cafe’s Big Bowl of Hate|David Levesley|December 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Everything that he did was with a view to her comfort and happiness.
Unfettered|Sutton E. Griggs
If you are determined to expel all comfort from your house, be a Drunkard; and you will soon do it effectually.
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She moaned and wept and refused all comfort, until one night she closed her eyes on the world which had been so harsh and bitter.
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The skin of the little brown bat did not comfort the Fire Eater in his fallen state.
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It seemed heartless to be sitting down in comfort to so good a supper while her father was in she knew not how great distress.
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British Dictionary definitions for comfort
/ (ˈkʌmfət) /
a state of ease or well-being
relief from affliction, grief, etc
a person, thing, or event that brings solace or ease
(usually plural)something that affords physical ease and relaxation