During the cold, rainy winters, the flying insects that are the woodpeckers' preferred diet disappear and the birds depend on the nuts in these pantries.
Blood, death, and eye gouging: welcome to the world of acorn woodpeckers|Kate Baggaley|September 9, 2020|Popular Science
Nighttime temperatures often dip below freezing in these rainy tropical highlands.
This hummingbird survives cold nights by nearly freezing itself solid|Jonathan Lambert|September 8, 2020|Science News
If you’re headed to the coast, go in the springtime or midsummer to avoid the rainy seasons, which run from May to mid-July and mid-November to mid-January.
Short-term forecasts like those in your smartphone’s weather app are based on the observations that feed into them, such as whether it is currently rainy in Northern California or whether there are strong winds over central Alaska.
Improved three-week weather forecasts could save lives from disaster|Alexandra Witze|August 27, 2020|Science News
The Water Authority also dipped into its rainy day reserve fund up to a limit set by its board of directors to keep the rate increase for consumers lower.
Environment Report: Why Your Water Bill Might Spike|MacKenzie Elmer|July 27, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Then she managed to struggle a mile through dark, rainy woods.
The 7-Year-Old Plane Crash Survivor’s Brutal Journey Through the Woods|James Higdon|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Potholes are common in the rainy region as well as a heavy fog that often hinders visibility.
The Road to Cinco de Mayo|Tania Lara|May 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
At 5:00 p.m. on a cold, rainy day, the price demanded would inevitably be higher than it would be at 2:00 p.m. on a nice day.
Stop Whining About Uber’s Surge Pricing|Daniel Gross|December 16, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The idea of the city was much more alluring than the city itself on a rainy, unmoored day.
Writers on Their Difficult—And Not So Difficult—Break-Ups with New York City||October 23, 2013|DAILY BEAST
He went on to recount campaigning on a rainy Friday night when he had to push himself to keep going.
Bill De Blasio’s Retro Values Are Back in Fashion|Michael Daly|September 30, 2013|DAILY BEAST
They were far enough from the camp for Rainy to remain unobserved all day.
The Wilderness Trail|Frank Williams
Others declare that it is more severe in moist and rainy weather than in clear weather.
South America Observations and Impressions|James Bryce
Meanwhile his army was suffering, provisions were failing, and the season was rainy.
Battles of English History|H. B. (Hereford Brooke) George
During the rainy season, however, the pontoon bridges over the Rio Grande are swept away; the roads become impassable.
The Great White Tribe in Filipinia|Paul T. Gilbert
It was on an overcast, rainy evening that he at length received permission to return.