to repeat (a passage, phrase, etc.) from a book, speech, or the like, as by way of authority, illustration, etc.
to repeat words from (a book, author, etc.).
to use a brief excerpt from: The composer quotes Beethoven's Fifth in his latest work.
to cite, offer, or bring forward as evidence or support.
to enclose (words) within quotation marks.
to state (a price).
to state the current price of.
verb (used without object),quot·ed,quot·ing.
to make a quotation or quotations, as from a book or author.
(used by a speaker to indicate the beginning of a quotation.)
a quotation.
quotation mark.
WATCH NOW: Can You Guess Which Books These Literary Quotes Are From?
Who loves writing? Who loves reading? Yup, us too! Let's test your knowledge of some of literature's most famous lines. Ready?
Idioms for quote
quote unquote, so called; so to speak; as it were: If you're a liberal, quote unquote, they're suspicious of you.
Origin of quote
1350–1400; 1880–85 for def. 9; Middle English coten, quoten (<Old French coter) <Medieval Latin quotāre to divide into chapters and verses, derivative of Latin quot how many
quoter,nounoutquote,verb (used with object),out·quot·ed,out·quot·ing.pre·quote,verb (used with object),pre·quot·ed,pre·quot··quote,verb (used with object),re·quot·ed,re·quot·ing.
When you first set up Halo, it asks you to read a few quotes from classic literature.
Amazon’s new fitness tracker listens to your voice to figure out your mood|Stan Horaczek|September 2, 2020|Popular Science
Below you’ll find key takeaways, quotes and stats, as well as videos from our recent Future of Work event, presenter slides from DailyPay and more.
Deep Dive: How companies and their employees are facing the future of work|Digiday|September 1, 2020|Digiday
For example, let’s say the first time you shared the article you included a quote from the piece in the social copy.
Five content promotion strategies SaaS marketers should implement today|Izabelle Hundrev|August 28, 2020|Search Engine Watch
This post has also been updated to correct a word in a quote from Nathan Fletcher that was mis-transcribed.
Supervisor by Day, But a COVID-19 Skeptic on the Airwaves|Katy Stegall|August 20, 2020|Voice of San Diego
There’s no value that is sustained from that one-off experience apart from a nice quote, there’s no new framework or structure to advance people professionally.
‘You have to innovate on the value’: The disparate state of virtual event ticketing|Lucinda Southern|August 7, 2020|Digiday
Tend to your own garden, to quote the great sage of free speech, Voltaire, and invite people to follow your example.
How the PC Police Threaten Free Speech|Nick Gillespie|January 9, 2015|DAILY BEAST
That quote has been misattributed to him since it first appeared in 1881, when Ben would have been 175 years old.
Forget the Resolutions; Try a Few Declarations|Kevin Bleyer|January 1, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The quote appears on the bronze plaque the players touch before they take the field for home games.
A West Point MVP Who Never Played a Down|Nicolaus Mills|December 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The quote is apocryphal, but that has not changed its significance for Army football players.
A West Point MVP Who Never Played a Down|Nicolaus Mills|December 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“Telling employees to stick to authorized legal boundaries is a good thing,” he said Wednesday when asked about the quote.
CIA Interrogation Chief: ‘Rectal Feeding,’ Broken Limbs Are News to Me|Kimberly Dozier|December 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The passage that you quote from Jack London strikes me as good.
The Letters of Ambrose Bierce|Ambrose Bierce
I'll quote something else: 'I and my life must be where I live.'
Where Angels Fear to Tread|E. M. Forster
People were able to quote few definite opinions uttered by "Silent Simon," but any that could be quoted were shrewdness itself.
Simon|J. Storer Clouston
But to quote from any other language is to commit an outrage on your guests.
Collections and Recollections|George William Erskine Russell
A thing of my own invention,' to quote the knight in 'Through the Looking Glass.'
We Two|Edna Lyall
British Dictionary definitions for quote
/ (kwəʊt) /
to recite a quotation (from a book, play, poem, etc), esp as a means of illustrating or supporting a statement
(tr)to put quotation marks round (a word, phrase, etc)
stock exchangeto state (a current market price) of (a security or commodity)
an informal word for quotation (def. 1), quotation (def. 2), quotation (def. 3), quotation (def. 4)
(often plural) an informal word for quotation mark put it in quotes
an expression used parenthetically to indicate that the words that follow it form a quotationthe president said, quote, I shall not run for office in November, unquote
Word Origin for quote
C14: from Medieval Latin quotāre to assign reference numbers to passages, from Latin quot how many
Can You Guess Which Books These Literary Quotes Are From?Who loves writing? Who loves reading? Yup, us too! Let's test your knowledge of some of literature's most famous lines. Ready?