a place, as in connection with a medical school or a hospital, for the treatment of nonresident patients, sometimes at low cost or without charge.
a group of physicians, dentists, or the like, working in cooperation and sharing the same facilities.
a class or group convening for instruction or remedial work or for the diagnosis and treatment of specific problems: a reading clinic; a speech clinic; a summer baseball clinic for promising young players.
the instruction of medical students by examining or treating patients in their presence or by their examining or treating patients under supervision.
a class of students assembled for such instruction.
SportsSlang. a performance so thoroughly superior by a team or player as to be a virtual model or demonstration of excellence; rout or mismatch.
of a clinic; clinical.
Origin of clinic
1620–30; 1885–90 for def. 1; <Latin clīnicus<Greek klīnikós pertaining to a (sick) bed, equivalent to klī́n(ē) bed + -ikos-ic
For one year, the product can be used by American Airlines flights that pass through airports in Texas, and by two physical therapy clinics operated in Texas by Total Orthopedics Sports & Spine.
American Airlines touts a new tool to combat COVID. But does it really make flying safer?|dzanemorris|August 24, 2020|Fortune
United Food and Commercial Workers Local 135 represents more than 13,000 workers in grocery and drug stores, hospitals and clinics, and many other essential businesses across the county.
The Pandemic Hasn’t Gone Away – Neither Should Hazard Pay|Todd Walters and Brent E. Beltrán|August 20, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Meanwhile, the Virtue Foundation worked with local health services to strategically distribute ventilators, oxygen cylinders, personal protective equipment, and other supplies to the region’s hospitals and clinics.