The adjustable volume on this unit means you can crank it much louder than a fan in certain cases where you need maximum noise blockage.
Electronics and exercise gear that make excellent gifts|PopSci Commerce Team|October 8, 2020|Popular Science
What the idea here is, is that there is a blockage and that you keep redundantly going over and over and over, kind of like a hamster’s running wheel, that you just can’t make a breakthrough.
How Are Psychedelics and Other Party Drugs Changing Psychiatry? (Ep. 433)|Stephen J. Dubner|October 1, 2020|Freakonomics
A lack of urination can indicate a urinary tract infection, urethra blockage, or even diabetes.
Toilet training your cat isn’t as great as it sounds|Candice Wang|August 27, 2020|Popular Science
Here, the blockage of RNA prevents extra amyloid from being produced by targeting its precursor protein and making less of it.
Trial Drug Reverses Alzheimer’s Disease in Mice|Elizabeth Lopatto|May 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Except that, in this case, it turns out that the strokes caused by blockage are far more prevalent.
In Defense of My Drinking Habit|Laura Fraser|March 22, 2009|DAILY BEAST
On Sundays it is evident that the blockage of the streets is greater than ever.
The Religious Life of London|J. Ewing Ritchie
Lenny had no blockage whatever against receiving visual patterns and designs.
The Foreign Hand Tie|Gordon Randall Garrett
We can give them their errorless, mechanical men—just as soon as we find ways of correcting the blockage of the feedback pulses!