That makes our daydreams deeply intertwined with our emotions, hence why on duller days we might imagine more blissful scenes.
What happens in your brain when you daydream|Molly Glick|September 23, 2020|Popular Science
I spent multiple blissful walks listening to it this summer … I finally watched the three-part docuseries Inside Bill’s Brain, the all-access and slightly puffy deep dive on Netflix into Bill Gates by Davis Guggenheim.
You’re not sitting correctly at your home office|Adam Lashinsky|September 10, 2020|Fortune
It can be absolutely blissful when a kitty falls asleep purring in your lap.
Let’s learn about domestic cats|Sarah Zielinski|May 19, 2020|Science News For Students
I just think the cold is blissful”—a pause for an inside-joke smile—“in my antiquity.
The Stacks: The Eyes of Winter: Paul Newman at 70|Peter Richmond|October 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“Yes, you will find it,” Cosmo assures readers, promising to help them “reap the blissful benefits” upon discovering the region.
The Truth About Female Orgasms: Look to the Clitoris, Not the Vagina|Lizzie Crocker|October 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Because a press tour as blissful as this demands immortalization, here are the highlights from the past two weeks.
Oprah Winfrey’s Fabulous ‘Butler’ Press Tour: The Best Moments (VIDEO)|Kevin Fallon|August 17, 2013|DAILY BEAST
It is a constant struggle to choose the unpleasant and real over the blissful unwinding of our evolutionary danger signals.
There's a Reason That Addicts Say Yes to Drugs|Megan McArdle|March 7, 2013|DAILY BEAST
I am able to maintain this blissful state thanks to the miraculous Mirena IUD.
Why I Choose to Be Child-Free: Readers Share Their Stories|Harry Siegel|February 27, 2013|DAILY BEAST
It was plain that the Blissful Mother did not recognize any difference between curries and sweetmeats!
Autobiography of a YOGI|Paramhansa Yogananda
Pity she should ever be awakened from her blissful dreams to dread reality.
Ellen Walton|Alvin Addison
He saw Jack clearing more ground, working contentedly in blissful ignorance of the impending calamity.
The Land of Lure|Elliott Smith
I laid her on the sofa, and with a calm, blissful expectancy awaited the moment when her eyes should open.
The Ghost|Arnold Bennett
It almost seemed to the captain that the blissful moment had already arrived, such was the persuasive convincingness of McCoy.
South Sea Tales|Jack London
British Dictionary definitions for blissful
/ (ˈblɪsfʊl) /
serenely joyful or glad
blissful ignoranceunawareness or inexperience of something unpleasant