

单词 clamour

Example sentences from the Web for clamour


US clamor

/ (ˈklæmə) /


a loud persistent outcry, as from a large number of people
a vehement expression of collective feeling or outragea clamour against higher prices
a loud and persistent noisethe clamour of traffic


(intr; often foll by for or against) to make a loud noise or outcry; make a public demandthey clamoured for attention
(tr) to move, influence, or force by outcrythe people clamoured him out of office

Derived forms of clamour

clamourer or US clamorer, nounclamorous, adjectiveclamorously, adverbclamorousness, noun

Word Origin for clamour

C14: from Old French clamour, from Latin clāmor, from clāmāre to cry out

Words nearby clamour

clam diggers, clam-flat, clammy, clamor, clamorous, clamour, clamp, clampdown, clamp down on, clamper, clamp forceps
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