单词 | quad |
释义 | quad1[ kwod ] / kwɒd / SEE SYNONYMS FOR quad ON THESAURUS.COM noun Informal.a quadrangle as on a college campus: The downpour started before we were halfway across the quad. Origin of quad1First recorded in 1810–20; by shortening Words nearby quadquack, quackery, quack grass, quacksalver, Quaco, quad, quad-band, quad bike, Quad Cities, quadcopter, quad left Definition for quad (2 of 9)quad2 [ kwod ] / kwɒd / nounAlso called quadrat. a piece of type metal of less height than the lettered types, serving to cause a blank in printed matter, used for spacing: a wooden box of assorted quads. verb (used with object), quad·ded, quad·ding.to space out (matter) by means of quads: You'll need to quad this column tightly—the editor's letter is running a little long. Origin of quad2First recorded in 1875–80; shortening of quadrat OTHER WORDS FROM quadun·quad·ded, adjectiveDefinition for quad (3 of 9)quad3 [ kwod ] / kwɒd / noun Informal.a quadruplet: Can you believe how tiny those quads are? Origin of quad3First recorded in 1895–1900; by shortening Definition for quad (4 of 9)quad4 [ kwod ] / kwɒd / adjectivequadraphonic: I remember when my quad turntable was the hottest new thing in record players. nounquadraphonic sound, or an electronic system for reproducing it: The recording sounded best in quad. Origin of quad4First recorded in 1970–75; by shortening Definition for quad (5 of 9)quad5 [ kwod ] / kwɒd / adjectivedesignating or comprising four persons or things: rates for quad occupancy; a quad-level house. nounInformal. quadruple occupancy: Rates are based on quad. Origin of quad5First recorded in 1880–85; shortening of quadruple or words formed with quadri- Definition for quad (6 of 9)quad6 [ kwod ] / kwɒd / noun Informal.quadriplegic: a special ward for quads. Origin of quad6First recorded in 1970–75; by shortening Definition for quad (7 of 9)quad7 noun Informal.quadricep: Flex the right quad and push your weight toward the right heel. Origin of quad7First recorded in 1955–60; by shortening Definition for quad (8 of 9)quad8 noun Informal.quadcopter: These affordable quads are a boon to both amateur and professional photographers. Origin of quad8First recorded in 2010–15; by shortening Definition for quad (9 of 9)quad. quadrangle. quadrant. Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for quadBritish Dictionary definitions for quad (1 of 6)quad1 / (kwɒd) / nounshort for quadrangle (def. 2) British Dictionary definitions for quad (2 of 6)quad2 / (kwɒd) / nounprinting a block of type metal used for spacing British Dictionary definitions for quad (3 of 6)quad3 / (kwɒd) / nouna variant spelling of quod British Dictionary definitions for quad (4 of 6)quad4 / (kwɒd) / nounshort for quadruplet (def. 1) British Dictionary definitions for quad (5 of 6)quad5 / (kwɒd) / adjective, nounshort for quadraphonic or quadraphonicsSee quadraphonic nounanatomy short for quadriceps British Dictionary definitions for quad (6 of 6)quad. abbreviation forquadrangle quadrilateral Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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