释义 |
quart. quarter. quarterly. queen. query. question. Words nearby qu.qtly., qto., qtr., QTS, qty., qu., qua, Quaalude, quack, quackery, quack grass Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for qu.She had a curious babyish way of speaking, not being easily able to make the sounds of th or qu. The Four Corners|Amy Ella Blanchard Duplex est humilitas: una lucida solum et non fervida: qu ex ratione potius quam ex charitate exercetur. A Christian Directory (Volume 1 of 4)|Richard Baxter Hic jacet in tumba Rosa mundi, non Rosa munda;Non redolet, sed olet, qu redolere solet. Nooks and Corners of English Life, Past and Present|John Timbs Qu audt attonitus ille ac tremns abiect ferr fgit, Marium s nn posse occdere clmitns. Selections from Viri Romae|Charles Franois L'Homond