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[ sahy-fer ] / ˈsaɪ fər / SEE SYNONYMS FOR cipher ON THESAURUS.COM
nounzero. any of the Arabic numerals or figures. Arabic numerical notation collectively. something of no value or importance. a person of no influence; nonentity. a secret method of writing, as by transposition or substitution of letters, specially formed symbols, or the like.Compare cryptography. writing done by such a method; a coded message. the key to a secret method of writing. a combination of letters, as the initials of a name, in one design; monogram. verb (used without object)to use figures or numerals arithmetically. to write in or as in cipher. verb (used with object)to calculate numerically; figure. to convert into cipher. Also especially British, cy·pher . Origin of cipher1350–1400; Middle English siphre<Medieval Latin ciphra<Arabic ṣifr empty, zero; translation of Sanskrit śūnyā empty OTHER WORDS FROM cipherci·pher·a·ble, adjectiveci·pher·er, nounWords nearby cipherCIO, -cion, cioppino, CIP, Cipango, cipher, ciphertext, ciphony, cipolin, cippus, Cipro Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for cipherHe is a cipher who has reduced his own party to near-cipher status. Modi Crushes Gandhi in India’s Election Landslide|Tunku Varadarajan|May 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST The Scientists profusely apologized when I left the table at which they had their Cipher. Word Is Bond: An Ex-Con Explains the 5 Percenters|Daniel Genis|April 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST But what of all those people watching at home, waiting for Ann to explain the cipher that is Mittens? Ann Romney: Mitt’s Secret Weapon Sputters|Michelle Cottle|August 29, 2012|DAILY BEAST But Allen Barra says he remains a cipher for his actions off the field. Baseball's Greatest Player?|Allen Barra|February 19, 2010|DAILY BEAST
Near his body is a cipher with the digits of the Fibonacci sequence and amalgams referring to Leonardo da Vinci and his Mona Lisa. Dan Brown Decoded|The Daily Beast|September 15, 2009|DAILY BEAST Any time you had a cipher, you were vulnerable to someone smarter than you coming up with a way of breaking it. Little Brother|Cory Doctorow Jessie went up to her and showed her Miss Needwood's cipher. Sowing and Sewing|Charlotte Mary Yonge He read a diary written chiefly in symbols, and many letters in cipher. Historical Essays|James Ford Rhodes In arithmetic they had detected the value of position in the digits, though they missed the grand Indian invention of the cipher. History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science|John William Draper Your cipher has not been sent hitherto, because it required a most confidential channel of conveyance. Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson|Thomas Jefferson
British Dictionary definitions for cipher
nouna method of secret writing using substitution or transposition of letters according to a key a secret message the key to a secret message an obsolete name for zero (def. 1) any of the Arabic numerals (0, 1, 2, 3, etc, to 9) or the Arabic system of numbering as a whole a person or thing of no importance; nonentity a design consisting of interwoven letters; monogram music a defect in an organ resulting in the continuous sounding of a pipe, the key of which has not been depressed verbto put (a message) into secret writing (intr) (of an organ pipe) to sound without having the appropriate key depressed rare to perform (a calculation) arithmetically Word Origin for cipherC14: from Old French cifre zero, from Medieval Latin cifra, from Arabic sifr zero, empty Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to ciphernonentity, zip, nil, nobody, blank, squat, zilch, nothing, naught, nullity, nought, nada, count, resolve, compute, calculate, figure, reckon, break, solve |