[ sin-uh -muh -tog -ruh -fee ] SHOW IPA
/ ˌsɪn ə məˈtɒg rə fi / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun the art or technique of video photography, traditionally used in movies, but also in the production of TV shows and other video content: The agency is hiring award-winning film directors to elevate these television commercials with classic cinematography and state-of-the-art special effects.
the artistic vision, tone, look, and feel of a video production: The film’s warm cinematography and romantic musical score immerse the audience immediately in a sweet and nostalgic world.
Origin of cinematography First recorded in 1895–1900; see origin at cinematograph, -graphy
Words nearby cinematography cinematics, cinematize, cinematog., cinematograph, cinematographer, cinematography , cinéma vérité, cinemicrograph, cinemicrography, cineol, cineole
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for cinematography So I applied to the cinematography program at the American Film Institute.
How ‘Transcendence’ Director Wally Pfister Became Christopher Nolan’s Secret Weapon | Andrew Romano| April 17, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Inside Llewyn Davis only got a nomination for cinematography .
10 Facts about the 2014 Oscar Nominations That Will Make You Sad | Kevin Fallon| January 16, 2014| DAILY BEAST
For a broadcast show this visually audacious and daring to be shut out completely—not even a cinematography nomination!
Emmy Nomination Surprises and Snubs: ‘House of Cards,’ ‘Orphan Black,’ and More | Jason Lynch| July 18, 2013| DAILY BEAST
It's beautifully orchestrated with good music and cinematography .
A Surf Star's Favorite Surfing Movies | Laird Hamilton| September 23, 2010| DAILY BEAST
Avatar, meanwhile, will likely suffer from voters who don't consider animation and CGI to count as cinematography verité.
How to Win the Office Oscar Pool | The Daily Beast| March 4, 2010| DAILY BEAST
Theoretically there is no operation in the whole art of cinematography which is more complex than the preparation of the positive.
Practical Cinematography and Its Applications | Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot
In cinematography , it is the diligent, careful, and persevering worker who scores successes.
Practical Cinematography and Its Applications | Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot
With cinematography , a new strategy of synchronization was arrived at.
The Civilization of Illiteracy | Mihai Nadin
Of the recent developments in cinematography the 217 ones we hear most about are colour pictures and talking pictures.
The Boy's Book of New Inventions | Harry E. Maule
The Soviet Revolution hoped that theater or cinematography would substitute for religion, or at least for church.
The Civilization of Illiteracy | Mihai Nadin
British Dictionary definitions for cinematography noun the art or science of film (motion-picture) photography
Derived forms of cinematography cinematographer (ˌsɪnɪməˈtɒɡrəfə ), noun cinematographic (ˌsɪnɪˌmætəˈɡræfɪk ), adjective cinematographically , adverb Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012