[ puht -nuh m ] SHOW IPA
noun Herbert, 1861–1955, U.S. librarian: headed Library of Congress 1899–1939.
Israel, 1718–90, American Revolutionary general.
Rufus, 1738–1824, American Revolutionary officer: engineer and colonizer in Ohio.
Words nearby Putnam put it mildly, put it to, put lead in one's pencil, putlog, put money on, Putnam , Putnam-Dana syndrome, putoff, put-on, put on a brave face, put on a brave front
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for Putnam In October Putnam and his associate Adam Hunt traveled to Pennsylvania to interview author Stacy Brown.
Inside the Latest Michael Jackson Trial—the One With $40 Billion on the Line | Diane Dimond| April 1, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Putnam will still be around to explain how they change the political calculus.
Is Delegate Counter Josh Putnam the Nate Silver of the 2012 Race? | Ben Jacobs| April 5, 2012| DAILY BEAST
If you were making a list of the breakout stars of the 2012 cycle,” said Mahtesian, “Putnam is at the top of the list.
Is Delegate Counter Josh Putnam the Nate Silver of the 2012 Race? | Ben Jacobs| April 5, 2012| DAILY BEAST
THL tallies $180,300 including its Putnam affiliate and led by its co-chairs, Scott Schoen, Anthony Dinovi, and Scott Sperling.
Clear Channel’s Directors Give Big to Romney, Who Won’t Criticize Limbaugh | Wayne Barrett| March 7, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Says Putnam , “I can say a lot of things today and be proven wrong tomorrow.”
The Death of Super Tuesday? | McKay Coppins| August 5, 2011| DAILY BEAST
The Duke of Putnam had sent out a general call to the office-holders in that county.
Mr. Crewe's Career, Complete | Winston Churchill
The boys had good reasons for running away during Captain Putnam 's absence.
The Rover Boys in the Air | Edward Stratemeyer
“I will take them to the asylum myself,” he said, and left Putnam Hall the next day for that purpose.
The Putnam Hall Champions | Arthur M. Winfield
Formerly librarians have had a great many facilities to aid them in making this selection of which Mr. Putnam has spoken.
Papers and Proceedings of the Twenty-Third General Meeting of the American Library Association | Various
Lieutenant Colonel Putnam told the General that the seemingly impossible task could be performed.
Historic Shrines of America | John T. (John Thomson) Faris
British Dictionary definitions for Putnam noun Israel. 1718–90, American general in the War of Independence
his cousin Rufus. 1738–1824, American soldier in the War of Independence; surveyor general of the US (1796–1803)
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012