Think in terms of new customer segments generated by accelerated digital adoption, new channels like Zoom, Slack or virtual pubs to connect and promote, new resources like automation tools for efficient business processes etc.
How would an SEO agency be built today? Part 2: Current business model(s)|Sponsored Content: SEOmonitor|September 16, 2020|Search Engine Land
In many cases, the local pub or eatery is still truly a public house, a pillar of the community.
Bar Rescue: Pandemic Edition|jakemeth|September 15, 2020|Fortune
The ONS’s Athow also noted that food sales “fell back from their recent peaks as people started to venture back into pubs and restaurants.”
Retail continues to charge back, this time in the U.K. But clothing, fuel sales lag|David Meyer|August 21, 2020|Fortune
England’s app also has a QR-scanning feature that lets people log when they enter a property, such as a restaurant or a pub, so they can be alerted later if the location becomes linked to multiple infections.
England has started testing a contact tracing app—again|Charlotte Jee|August 13, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Some industries, such as pubs and the hospitality sector, ground to a complete halt.
Lessons from lockdown: Four content types that users really engage with|Edward Coram James|July 20, 2020|Search Engine Watch
And it is true that since Blair was in power the pub culture has taken a beating.
Beer Countries vs. Wine Countries|Clive Irving|December 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In doing so, he implied the obsolescence of that most embedded of British watering holes, the pub.
Beer Countries vs. Wine Countries|Clive Irving|December 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Following a conversation with Marsh, the two met at a pub in London.
Eddie Redmayne’s Time Has Come: On His Heartrending Turn as Stephen Hawking and Benedict Bromance|Marlow Stern|November 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Somehow, Spencer and some of his confrères managed to enter Hungary, and on Friday night they gathered at a pub.
American Racist Richard Spencer Gets to Play the Martyr in Hungary|James Kirchick|October 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He shrugged his shoulders, which were cloaked in a large Scottish flag, and headed back to the pub.
Scotland Says Resounding ‘No’ to Independence|Nico Hines|September 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
There was also a skittle alley attached to the pub and no charge was made for the use of it.
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists|Robert Tressell
One of the chaps brought some beer and whisky from the pub, and we had a quiet little time in my room.
Joe Wilson and His Mates|Henry Lawson
By the help of Home and some of his friends M. was enabled to pub.
A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature|John W. Cousin
He was the greatest orator whom America has produced, and has a place in literature by virtue of his pub.
A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature|John W. Cousin
"They'd go round selling stuff if there was anybody to buy—hang round the pub all day, and yet had stuff to sell," Watty murmured.
The Black Opal|Katharine Susannah Prichard
British Dictionary definitions for pub (1 of 2)
/ (pʌb) /
Formal name: public housemainlyBritisha building with a bar and one or more public rooms licensed for the sale and consumption of alcoholic drink, often also providing light meals
Australian and NZa hotel
verbpubs, pubbingorpubbed
(intr)informalto visit a pub or pubs (esp in the phrase go pubbing)