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[ sees-lis ] / ˈsis lɪs / SEE SYNONYMS FOR ceaseless ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivewithout stop or pause; unending; incessant. Origin of ceaselessFirst recorded in 1580–90; cease + -less SYNONYMS FOR ceaselessendless, continuous, constant, unceasing. SEE SYNONYMS FOR ceaseless ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM ceaselesscease·less·ly, adverbcease·less·ness, nounWords nearby ceaselessCeará, cease, cease and desist, cease-and-desist order, cease-fire, ceaseless, Ceauşescu, Cebú, CEC, cecal, cecectomy Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for ceaselessThe work is ceaseless and routine to the point of tedium—and almost half of primary-care physicians are burnt out. Nurse Practitioners Playing Doctor More Often|Daniela Drake|May 27, 2013|DAILY BEAST So what should one do about this ceaseless propaganda campaign against Venezuela? The World According to Sean Penn|Michael Moynihan|December 28, 2012|DAILY BEAST Once I turned on my recorder, Schwarzenegger was off on a ceaseless monologue, touting his book like a sideshow barker. Arnold Schwarzenegger Comes Clean|Laurence Leamer|September 30, 2012|DAILY BEAST He looked up in wonderment and heard the ceaseless noise of frenzy. The Greatest Football Player That Never Was|Buzz Bissinger|February 10, 2011|DAILY BEAST
But its ceaseless repetition shows how much money is at stake, and available, to buy our votes. The Psychological Strategy of the Tiger Ad and Why It Will Backfire|Adam Hanft|April 9, 2010|DAILY BEAST In the background marched in ceaseless procession an irregular file of men. McAllister and His Double|Arthur Train She listened to the ceaseless chatter in the dressing-room with a happy smile. In the pale sky overhead, there were ceaseless gleams and flashes of light as the spinning meteor-swarm reflected the sunlight. The World with a Thousand Moons|Edmond Hamilton Never very robust, she still exercised what strength she had in a ceaseless round of sweeping and dusting. The Brass Bound Box|Evelyn Raymond Then the war-engines were set up "which poured by day and by night a ceaseless hailstorm of stones upon the walls and city." The Story of the Crusades|E. M. Wilmot-Buxton
British Dictionary definitions for ceaseless
adjectivewithout stop or pause; incessant Derived forms of ceaselessceaselessly, adverbCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to ceaselessperpetual, constant, unceasing, continuous, incessant, unending, unremitting, continual, nonstop, endless, eternal, everlasting, indefatigable, interminable, perennial, uninterrupted, untiring, amaranthine, day and night, round the clock |