

单词 chamberlain


[ cheym-ber-lin ]
/ ˈtʃeɪm bər lɪn /


an official charged with the management of the living quarters of a sovereign or member of the nobility.
an official who receives rents and revenues, as of a municipal corporation; treasurer.
the high steward or factor of a member of the nobility.
a high official of a royal court.

Origin of chamberlain

1175–1225; Middle English <Old French, variant of chamberlenc<Frankish *kamerling, equivalent to kamer (<Latin camera room; see chamber) + -ling-ling1

OTHER WORDS FROM chamberlain

un·der·cham·ber·lain, noun

Words nearby chamberlain

chamber counsel, chambered, chambered nautilus, chamberer, chamberhand, chamberlain, Chamberlain, Neville, Chamberland, Chamberlin, chambermaid, chamber mug

Definition for chamberlain (2 of 2)

[ cheym-ber-lin ]
/ ˈtʃeɪm bər lɪn /


(Arthur) Neville, 1869–1940, British statesman: prime minister 1937–40.
Joseph, 1836–1914, British statesman (father of Sir Austen and Neville Chamberlain).
Sir (Joseph) Austen, 1863–1937, British statesman: Nobel Peace Prize 1925.
Owen, 1920–2006, U.S. physicist: Nobel Prize 1959.
Wilt(on Norman) "Wilt the Stilt", 1936–1999, U.S. basketball player.
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

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British Dictionary definitions for chamberlain (1 of 2)

/ (ˈtʃeɪmbəlɪn) /


an officer who manages the household of a king
the steward of a nobleman or landowner
the treasurer of a municipal corporation

Derived forms of chamberlain

chamberlainship, noun

Word Origin for chamberlain

C13: from Old French chamberlayn, of Frankish origin; related to Old High German chamarling chamberlain, Latin camera chamber

British Dictionary definitions for chamberlain (2 of 2)

/ (ˈtʃeɪmbəlɪn) /


Sir (Joseph) Austen. 1863–1937, British Conservative statesman; foreign secretary (1924–29); awarded a Nobel peace prize for his negotiation of the Locarno Pact (1925)
his father, Joseph. 1836–1914, British statesman; originally a Liberal, he resigned in 1886 over Home Rule for Ireland and became leader of the Liberal Unionists; a leading advocate of preferential trading agreements with members of the British Empire
his son, (Arthur) Neville. 1869–1940, British Conservative statesman; prime minister (1937–40): pursued a policy of appeasement towards Germany; following the German invasion of Poland, he declared war on Germany on Sept 3, 1939
Owen. 1920–2006, US physicist, who discovered the antiproton. Nobel prize for physics jointly with Emilio Segré 1959
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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