

单词 armoury

Example sentences from the Web for armoury


US armory

/ (ˈɑːmərɪ) /

noun plural -mouries or -mories

a secure place for the storage of weapons
armour generally
  1. US a National Guard base
  2. US a building in which training in the use of arms and drill takes place; drill hall
  3. (plural) Canadian such a building used for training and as headquarters by a reserve unit of the armed forces
resources, as of arguments or objections, on which to drawthey thought they had proved him wrong, but he still had a few weapons in his armoury
US a place where arms are made

Words nearby armoury

armour-bearer, armoured, armoured car, armourer, armour plate, armoury, armpad, armpatch, armpit, armrest, arms
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