Whether someone you know has moved into a new place, or has just been hanging on to their old, worn out vacuum for a bit too long, consider brightening up their space with a new vacuum cleaner.
Vacuums that are good enough to give as presents|PopSci Commerce Team|October 1, 2020|Popular Science
A number of Reddit contributors pointed out that many USPS vehicles don’t have air conditioning, and that customers who leave ice water or cold drinks for carriers can brighten their day.
U.S. Postal Service carriers reveal how you can make their day better|Jeff|August 18, 2020|Fortune
Yes, its certainly something to brighten up the old Monday morning routine.
Prince Harry Parties TOPLESS|Tom Sykes|July 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
To brighten your winter, check out these amazing rare early color photographs of Paris about 1900.
When Paris was New|David Frum|January 28, 2013|DAILY BEAST
As the overall economic picture in the United States continues to brighten, the job market remains a contentious issue.