verb (used with object),bade or (Archaic) badfor 1, 2, 5 or bidfor 3, 4; bid·den or bidfor 1, 2, 5 or bidfor 3, 4; bid·ding.
to command; order; direct: to bid them depart.
to express (a greeting, farewell, benediction, or wish): to bid good night.
Commerce. to offer (a certain sum) as the price one will pay or charge: They bid $25,000 and got the contract.
Cards. to enter a bid of (a given quantity or suit): to bid two no-trump.
to summon by invitation; invite.
verb (used without object),bade or (Archaic) badfor 6 or bidfor 7; bid·den or bidfor 6 or bidfor 7; bid·ding.
to command; order; direct: I will do as you bid.
to make a bid: She bid at the auction for the old chair.
an act or instance of bidding.
an offer to make a specified number of points or to take a specified number of tricks.
the amount of such an offer.
the turn of a person to bid.
an invitation: a bid to join the club.
an attempt to attain some goal or purpose: a bid for election.
Also called bid price.Stock Exchange. the highest price a prospective buyer is willing to pay for a security at a given moment.
Verb Phrasespast and past participlebid,present participlebid·ding.
bid in,Commerce. to overbid all offers for (property) at an auction in order to retain ownership.
bid up,Commerce. to increase the market price of by increasing bids.
Idioms for bidpastbade or (Archaic) bad,past participlebid·den or bid,present participlebid·ding.
bid fair. fair1 (def. 29).
Origin of bid
before 900; Middle English bidden,Old English biddan to beg, ask; cognate with Old Frisian bidda,Old Saxon biddian,Old High German bittan (German bitten), Old Norse bithja,Gothic bidjan; all <Germanic *bid-ja- (<Indo-European *bhidh-) command, akin to Greek peíthein to persuade, inspire with trust, English bide