His uniquely broad aptitude allows him not only to overpower smaller defenders who switch, but also to prey on an opponent who’s been pressed into an uncomfortable rotation.
The Heat Took A Page From The Lakers’ Playbook|Michael Pina|October 6, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
As discussed, having the right technology is important, but it is only as effective as having employees with the aptitude to use it efficiently and effectively.
Four must-haves for business resilience in a time of crisis|Jason Sparapani|September 23, 2020|MIT Technology Review
It’s best when it is individualized, with progress based on a student’s personal aptitude and proficiency as they move toward mastering the material.
Why hasn’t digital learning lived up to its promise?|Walter Thompson|September 17, 2020|TechCrunch
If you sit down with pencil, paper, and enough of an aptitude for orbital dynamics you’ll soon discover that the easiest, most efficient trajectories to take us from Earth to a place like Mars involve great elliptical arcs around the sun.
Take Our Virtual Trip to Mars - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Caleb Scharf|September 2, 2020|Nautilus
An aptitude for mentally stringing together related items, often cited as a hallmark of human language, may have deep roots in primate evolution, a new study suggests.
Monkeys may share a key grammar-related skill with humans|Bruce Bower|June 26, 2020|Science News
So the KGB assembled a group of young women with an aptitude for languages.
Soviet-Style Sexual Politics Returns|Will Cathcart|May 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But that won't do for the folks without the aptitude to enter the new high-skilled fields.
Why Aren't We Creating Enough New Jobs?|Megan McArdle|June 18, 2013|DAILY BEAST
“The girls we teach have the aptitude, and they can get a job right out of high school,” she says.
New Feminists: Young, Multicultural, Strategic, and Looking Out for Each Other|Gail Sheehy|February 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Others say Wong is smart, and has an aptitude for understanding foreign policy.