[ uh -pee -ling ] SHOW IPA
adjective evoking or attracting interest, desire, curiosity, sympathy, or the like; attractive.
Origin of appealing late Middle English word dating back to 1400–50; see origin at appeal, -ing2
OTHER WORDS FROM appealing ap·peal·ing·ly, adverb ap·peal·ing·ness, noun non·ap·peal·ing, adjective non·ap·peal·ing·ly, adverb
non·ap·peal·ing·ness, noun qua·si-ap·peal·ing, adjective qua·si-ap·peal·ing·ly, adverb un·ap·peal·ing, adjective un·ap·peal·ing·ly, adverb
Words nearby appealing apparition, apparitor, appassionato, appd., appeal, appealing , appeal play, appear, appearance, appearance money, appear as
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for appealing First, if these can be improved or updated in any way to make them even more valuable and appealing , do that.
How to teach an old blog new SEO tricks | Tom Pick| August 27, 2020| Search Engine Watch
Halliburton, who also claimed he shared a room with a resident who was in contact with a coronavirus-positive nurse, said he never got a reason for the unsubstantiated finding, which he’s appealing .
Confirmed Nursing Home Complaints Plummet During Pandemic | Jared Whitlock| August 25, 2020| Voice of San Diego
It’s the flexibility within the system that makes the SEG42 so appealing .
The Matador SEG42 Offers Unrivaled Gear Organization | Graham Averill| August 25, 2020| Outside Online
Garden stores want their plants to look appealing , Halsch notes, and “one way to help with this is to apply chemicals.”
Pesticides contaminate most food of western U.S. monarchs | Rebecca E. Hirsch| August 17, 2020| Science News For Students
So your visitors can immediately understand what makes your product or service far more appealing compared to others alike.
Studying the anatomy of a successful high-conversion landing page | Yasmine Dehimi| June 22, 2020| Search Engine Watch
You see, there is another Mexico, one that is not so appealing to business but well known to law enforcement.
Why Mexicans Are Enraged by Obama’s Big Tuesday Meeting | Ruben Navarrette Jr.| January 6, 2015| DAILY BEAST
But the way that Texas combines place and possibility will not be appealing to everyone.
Will Texas Stay Texan? | David Fontana| December 29, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Dr. Grenci, who agrees, also saw it as a way to expand her own knowledge on the subculture and what makes it so appealing .
Whip It: Secrets of a Dominatrix | Justin Jones| November 25, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Neither is appealing in a world of easy-to-find gourmet fare.
Relax—Both Parties Are Going Extinct | Nick Gillespie| November 4, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The idea of a strong, German-built wall to keep the Russian bear at bay is appealing in its brutal simplicity.
The Great Wall of Ukraine | Vijai Maheshwari| October 27, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Here is a romance, strong and appealing , one which will please all classes of readers.
A Chain of Evidence | Carolyn Wells
The gentle, appealing glance of the elder, no less than the naive candour of the younger, appealed to his sympathies.
Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine | Lewis Spence
Every bit of color had died out of her cheeks and lips, and she turned from one to the other with a wild, appealing look.
Vagabondia | Frances Hodgson Burnett
It did not appear that for a moment she had dreamed of appealing to the interposition of the law.
The Three Brides, Love in a Cottage, and Other Tales | Francis A. Durivage
He exposed the folly of their idolatry, by appealing to their reason and their own acknowledged authorities.
Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation | An American Citizen
British Dictionary definitions for appealing
Derived forms of appealing appealingly , adverb Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to appealing engaging, tempting, emanate, pleading, entrancing, present, supplicating, imploring, entreating, beseeching, agreeable, cute, lovable, nice