Pimples, yeast infections, and dental cavities are examples of dysbiotic diseases in people—conditions caused not necessarily by newly arrived pathogens, but by ever-present microbes that bloom and harm their host.
When Evolution Is Infectious - Issue 90: Something Green|Moises Velasquez-Manoff|September 30, 2020|Nautilus
Now scientists have investigated how much of this soot came from the wildfires, and how much came from older materials like coal and oil in rocks from the cavity, known as the Chicxulub impact crater.
An asteroid didn’t kill the dinosaurs by itself. Earth helped.|Kate Baggaley|September 30, 2020|Popular Science
Studies have suggested that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, first binds to cells in the body’s nasal cavity and then begins replicating, spreading through the body’s respiratory tract.
Spit vs. Swab? Scientists say new studies support use of ‘saliva tests’ for COVID|Lee Clifford|September 5, 2020|Fortune
The kayak was built on a double-hull design that creates a deep cavity in the center of the boat.
This motorized kayak can drive itself|By Nate Matthews/Outdoor Life|August 28, 2020|Popular Science
For example, two photons bouncing around in the cavity might represent a qubit with a value of 0, and four photons might indicate a value of 1.
To live up to the hype, quantum computers must repair their error problems|Emily Conover|June 22, 2020|Science News
Take a “cavity bomb,” for example: explosives hidden in rolls of fat, between butt cheeks.
Man’s Airport Strip Meant to Highlight Intrusive and Ineffective TSA Security|Winston Ross|May 9, 2012|DAILY BEAST
In police work, that's called a custody search that includes everything short of a cavity search.
The Danger of Airport Pat-Downs|Bill Richardson|October 30, 2010|DAILY BEAST
The cavity or chamber of this cavern is about 100 feet across in each direction.
Archeological Investigations|Gerard Fowke
He perceived that the phaen had aer head in a cavity and was scrutinising something, and waited for aer to reappear.
A Voyage to Arcturus|David Lindsay
For the chuck the upper part of the cavity of a metal cylinder is bored out so as to fit on the driving spindle.
Modern Machine-Shop Practice, Volumes I and II|Joshua Rose
This may be most readily observed at the organ of Love of Stimulus, immediately in front of the cavity of the ear.
Buchanan's Journal of Man, July 1887|Various
Cavity rather deep, very acute; Stem medium to short, slender.
American Pomology|J. A. Warder
British Dictionary definitions for cavity
/ (ˈkævɪtɪ) /
a hollow space; hole
dentistrya soft decayed area on a toothSee caries
any empty or hollow space within the bodythe oral cavity
electronics See cavity resonator
Word Origin for cavity
C16: from French cavité, from Late Latin cavitās, from Latin cavus hollow