First recorded in 1575–85; from Greek antithetikós “setting in opposition, contrasting” (from antíthetos “opposed”) + -al; see origin at antithesis, -tic, -al1.
Though few rituals can lay the groundwork for tackling the day like a cup of coffee can, the actual brewing process can often be messy, time consuming, and generally antithetical to easing gently into the day.
Coffee makers for java enthusiasts|PopSci Commerce Team|October 1, 2020|Popular Science
Yet Anders Gravers is in fact a bona fide xenophobe whose views are antithetical to freedom.
The Opponents of Militant Islamism Are Often As Bigoted as Their Targets|Jacob Mchangama|December 7, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Was Islam antithetical to American ideas of religious freedom and openness of citizenship?
Thomas Jefferson’s Quran: How Islam Shaped the Founders|R.B. Bernstein|September 29, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Trying to use it do so is antithetical to the achievement of peace and the two-state solution.
Exploiting Jews from Arab Countries|Lara Friedman|August 2, 2012|DAILY BEAST
As if to drive their antithetical missions home, the two Newsrooms have virtually opposing styles.
Why Canadians Aren’t Laughing at Latest Version of ‘The Newsroom’|Soraya Roberts|July 9, 2012|DAILY BEAST
This latter approach is antithetical to peace and a two-state solution, now or in the future.
The Siren Call of Israeli Unilateralism|Lara Friedman|June 18, 2012|DAILY BEAST
A less piquant and antithetical English title was, therefore, substituted for the French one.
Louis Pasteur|Ren Vallery-Radot
This also indicates the antithetical positions which the two hold with respect to magic and counter-magic.
Elements of Folk Psychology|Wilhelm Wundt
Not having at hand the simile synthetical, we have resorted to the antithetical.
Jacob Faithful|Captain Frederick Marryat
(i.) The first two terms in each triad evidently form an antithetical couple, of which the third term is the synthesis.
History of Modern Philosophy|Alfred William Benn
Why speak of the God of nature and the God of grace as two antithetical terms?