

单词 caffè macchiato

caffè macchiato

or caf·fe mac·chia·to

[ kaf-ey mak-yah-toh, mahk-; Italian kahf-fe mahk-kyah-taw ]
/ ˈkæf eɪ mækˈyɑ toʊ, mɑk-; Italian ˈkɑf fɛ mɑkˈkyɑ tɔ /

noun, plural caf·fè mac·chia·tos.

a hot beverage consisting of espresso and a small amount of foamed milk.
Also called mac·chia·to .

Origin of caffè macchiato

1985–90; <Italian: “stained (or spotted) coffee,” fromcaffè coffee + macchiato, perfect partciple of macchiare “to stain, spot,” from macchia “a stain, spot,” from Latin macula (see macula, mackle)

Words nearby caffè macchiato

caff, caffeinated, caffeine, caffeinism, caffè latte, caffè macchiato, Caffey's disease, Caffey's syndrome, cafone, caftan, cag
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020




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