释义 |
[ an-ti-par-uh-bee-muh ] / ˌæn tɪˌpær əˈbi mə /
noun, plural an·ti·par·a·be·ma·ta [an-ti-par-uh-bee-muh-tuh]. /ˌæn tɪˌpær əˈbi mə tə/. either of two chapels at the west end of an Armenian or Byzantine church. Origin of antiparabemaanti- + New Greek parabêma<Greek para-para-1 + Late Greek bêmabema Words nearby antiparabemaAntiochus IV, antiodontalgic, antioncogene, antioxidant, antiozonant, antiparabema, antiparallel, antiparasitic, antiparticle, antipasto, Antipater Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 |