At Antietam, the bloodiest battle of the war, McKinley's gallantry was so conspicuous that he was promoted to a lieutenancy.
The Greater Republic|Charles Morris
At Antietam, at Fredericksburg, at Chancellorsville, he was present and fought his command to the uttermost.
Men of Our Times|Harriet Beecher Stowe
The following map is based upon one issued November, 1894, by the “Antietam Board.”
Joseph K. F. Mansfield, Brigadier General of the U.S. Army|John Mead Gould
Dick put his glasses to his eyes, and slowly swept a wide curve on the peninsula of Antietam.
The Sword of Antietam|Joseph A. Altsheler
At the time we did not know that we were on the banks of the—to be—celebrated Antietam.
Personal Recollections of the War of 1861|Charles Augustus Fuller
British Dictionary definitions for Antietam
/ (ænˈtiːtəm) /
a creek in NW Maryland, flowing into the Potomac: scene of a Civil War battle (1862), in which the Confederate forces of General Robert E. Lee were defeated